[MacPorts] #36980: perl5.14 sitebin & vendorbin flags may be inapproriate
noreply at macports.org
Thu Feb 14 12:54:37 PST 2013
#36980: perl5.14 sitebin & vendorbin flags may be inapproriate
Reporter: derek@… | Owner: ricci@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: perl5.14 |
Comment (by derek@…):
Replying to [comment:6 bruce.miller@…]:
> But while your solution
> keeps the two executables from conflicting, it also makes them both
> (at least not by the average Mac user, no offence intended)
> Perhaps you could arrange that p5.12-foo would install to the versioned
> sitebin directory, but a plain p5-foo would install to a more common
$path location?
> What is the recommended approach to installing an executable perl script
> under macports?
That is correct, they are unusable because they are not in the user's
The problem is not only with installing an executable perl script under
MacPorts. For example, I installed some modules from CPAN that provide
executables (e.g., nytprofhtml from Devel::NYTProf and cover from
Devel::Cover). Both ended up in libexec presumably because of the sitebin
flag in the Perl config.
I'm not sure of a way around it, besides the symlink party that you see
with more than one Perl in /opt/local/bin.
So maybe this isn't just a MacPorts issue, but if I were to install more
than one Perl on my system, how would I keep the binaries straight? Maybe
it's something to ask the perlmonks.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/36980#comment:7>
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