[MacPorts] #37792: vtk5 at 5.10.1 Build error - failure
noreply at macports.org
Sat Feb 16 16:54:38 PST 2013
#37792: vtk5 at 5.10.1 Build error - failure
Reporter: dialkforkaushik@… | Owner: adfernandes@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: vtk5 |
Comment (by adfernandes@…):
Huh... the problem is that Snow Leopard isn't ''really'' supported by
anyone, even the people who say that they support it. In reality, the
number of people using it is so small that those builds rarely get a lot
of testing, so you see a lot of breakage. So very often projects say "we
support Snow Leopard", but what they mean is "we think that we build
properly on it, or at least we don't do anything that should break it, but
we never really tested it..." Sorry.
And yes, very astute observation regrading the vtk-5.10.1 on 12/10/2012
not being the same as the vtk-5.10.1 installed today. The problem was that
VTK did a "stealth update", meaning that they replaced the tar.gz archive
with a new one, but kept the filename and version '''exactly''' the same.
I do not know what changed. It might be that nothing changed and the files
are identical (since gzip embeds the date of compression, the underlying
tar archive might have identical files, but the checksums of the old and
new archives don't match). Or, maybe they did a "hotfix" to patch an
"oopsie" that broke 10.6 compatibility.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to retrieve prior archives; they
''should'' still be available on the macports mirrors (see the
`dist_subdir` key in [https://trac.macports.org/wiki/PortfileRecipes
#stealth-updates the guide], but I've never done this.
Also, unfortunately, I cannot reproduce, and the cmake logs do not give a
lot of help in telling us what the exact problem is. Again... sorry.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37792#comment:7>
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