[MacPorts] #37461: libgsasl @1.6.1 build failure: typedef redefinition with different types
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 9 13:03:47 PST 2013
#37461: libgsasl @1.6.1 build failure: typedef redefinition with different types
Reporter: ltb@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Port: libgsasl |
Comment (by sean@…):
Replying to [comment:5 ryandesign@…]:
> Replying to [comment:4 sean@…]:
> > Replying to [comment:3 ryandesign@…]:
> > > Thanks for updating the port since I had not gotten around to doing
so, but additional steps are needed; see comment:ticket:35345:7.
> >
> > Oh no! Man, I wish Trac had better searching and linking so I could
have seen that :-(
> I always search Trac using a browser shortcut which expands to e.g.
[query:?status=!closed&summary=~libgsasl]. This relies on the port name
being in the Summary field, but our ticket filing instructions say people
should put it there, and if I find tickets without the port name in the
Summary, I add it. You can also search on the Port field instead e.g.
[query:?status=!closed&port=~libgsasl]. You can also use report 16 which
searches the port field e.g. [report:16?PORT=libgsasl]. But I find more
users neglect to put the port name in the Port field than those that
neglect to put it in the Summary.
Ah, very helpful; thanks!
> > I see the following ports explicitly depend on libgsasl: libinfinity,
anubis, libvmime, mpop, msmtp, jabberd, and gobby. I'm guessing there's no
easy way save for watching the buildbot fail to see if there are silently
linked ports?
> I agree that's the list of 7 ports depending on libgsasl so they should
be revbumped. The rev-upgrade feature, if you've left it turned on, should
tell you if there are any linking errors among the ports you've installed,
but won't help you find other mislinked ports that you hadn't installed.
We could try installing any ports that depend on any of those 7 ports and
see if any of them are linked to libgsasl. Or we could install those ports
from the binaries and see if they're mislinked (or download and check the
binaries manually). And we can just wait for users to file tickets as they
encounter problems and fix them then.
One of the reasons I didn't see this is because I didn't have any ports
that depend on libgsasl and neither did the buildbot, it seems. Hopefully,
rev bumping will get the buildbot to tell us if that will work or not :-/
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37461#comment:6>
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