[MacPorts] #37663: lesstif @0.95.2 Configure error - autoreconf failure
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 16 07:34:38 PST 2013
#37663: lesstif @0.95.2 Configure error - autoreconf failure
Reporter: uthyr@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Keywords: Mountain Lion | Port: lesstif
Problem: lesstif fails to configure
System(s): this is occuring on three computers, a MacMini (5,2), MacMini
(5,1), and MacBook Pro (8,2). Each has installed:
Mac OS X 10.8.2[[BR]]
Xcode 4.5.2 (4G2008a), with CommandLine Tools installed[[BR]]
MacPorts 2.1.2 for Mountain Lion installed[[BR]]
These ports installed, in this order, with these variants.
Macports Base
wget +ssl
gv +letter
ImageMagick +q16
gsl +gcc45
hdf5-18 +cxx +gcc45
hdf4 +gcc45
netcdf +dap +netcdf4 +hdf4
netcdf-fortran +gcc45
ncarg +gcc45
Everything through nco compiled and installed. The package ncarg depends
upon lesstif, among others, which has failed to configure. The following
dependencies installed prior to lesstif, in the order shown:
---> Installing glib2 @2.34.3_0
---> Installing libpixman @0.28.2_0
---> Installing xorg-xcb-util @0.3.9_0
---> Installing xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0
---> Installing xrender @0.9.7_0
---> Installing cairo @1.12.8_2+x11
---> Installing flex @2.5.37_1
---> Installing giflib @4.2.1_0+x11
---> Installing proj @4.8.0_0
---> Installing libgeotiff @1.4.0_0
---> Installing gdal @1.9.2_0+expat
---> Installing hdfeos @2.18_0
---> Installing hdfeos5 @1.14_2
---> Installing xorg-printproto @1.0.5_0
---> Installing xorg-libXp @1.0.1_0
following each "Installing..." is a line stating "Activating..."
Below are the lines reported when MacPorts attempts to install lesstif:
---> Fetching archive for lesstif
---> Attempting to fetch lesstif-0.95.2_1.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Attempting to fetch lesstif-0.95.2_1.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Attempting to fetch lesstif-0.95.2_1.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Attempting to fetch lesstif-0.95.2_1.darwin_12.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Fetching distfiles for lesstif
---> Verifying checksum(s) for lesstif
---> Extracting lesstif
---> Applying patches to lesstif
---> Configuring lesstif
Error: org.macports.configure for port lesstif returned: autoreconf
failure: command execution failed
Error: Failed to install lesstif
Please see the log file for port lesstif for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: lesstif triangle
vis5d mesa xorg-dri2proto xorg-glproto xorg-libXfixes xorg-fixesproto
xorg-libXi xorg-inputproto tcl wgrib2 jasper xorg-libXaw
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port ncarg failed
The lesstif main.log file is submitted here as well.
I attempted to proceed by changing directory to the lesstif-0.95.2 build
directory, and running the 'autoreconf 'command by hand, using sudo. A
warning about 'configure.in' being improperly named (should be
'configure.ac') was issued, along with an error about an obsolete macro
(AM_CONFIG_HEADER). I duplicated the 'configure.in' to 'configure.ac',
and changed the macro as directed in the error report.
I ran the 'autoreconf' command again, and received another obsolete macro
error. Renamed the macro, ran 'autoreconf' again, and this time received
errors about the same two obsolete macros, after descending into the
'test' directory. Changing those, finally received errors about 'possibly
undefined macro' and other tokens. This is the limit of my understanding,
so am reporting this to MacPorts.
I can provide the output from the manual 'autoreconf' commands, if
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37663>
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