[MacPorts] #37683: [php-pear] Would PHP BIN be FORCED to 'php'?
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jan 17 20:21:11 PST 2013
#37683: [php-pear] Would PHP BIN be FORCED to 'php'?
Reporter: zsnakevil@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Low | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.2
Resolution: | Keywords: php-pear bin
Port: |
Comment (by pixilla@…):
Replying to [comment:2 zsnakevil@…]:
> Mixed PEAR packages, both from MacPorts and 3rd parties channels, would
be used. Such as //PHP_CompatInfo//, //phpDocumentor-alpha// (phpdoc2) and
//PHPUnit// (latest v3.7.13, fresher than the port).
The MacPorts pear ports install packages from many channels, in fact, all
the channels I could find when I created all the ports. Here is a list of
the channels I used:
$ ls ~/misc/sandbox/pear/pear/
11abacus crisscott domain51 ezc horde
pat pearplex phpspec psx sc
swift typo3
agavi deepend dotsunited firephp indeyets
pdepend phergie phpuc qubit sikz
symfony zend
arbit digitalsandwich element-34 fluentdom invenzzia
pear phing phpunit querypath smarty
symfony2 zero.mq
aws docblox erebot funkatron michelf
pearfarm phpmd piece ragnaroek solar
timj zz
complexml doctrine eveyron geometria-lab openpear
pearhub phpseclib pirum sabredav sugar
If ports need to be added or updated lets do that.
There is no MacPorts port that installs the pear package manager
application with the intent that it be used.
> In that case, for **/usr/bin/php** has been used by **pear** as default,
all installed command-line utilities from 3rd parties would continue to
use **/usr/bin/php**!
If this causes an issue with functionality then it should be fixed.
Perhaps these few pear ports should have php version variants or subports.
Are these command line ports depended on by other pear packages?
> EVEN my active PHP version is the port **php54**.
The "port select" mechanism is for convenience and I do not believe that
any MacPorts ports are supposed to depend on the "active" port as in the
port selected by "port select". We will need to make variants or subports
for these command line utilities.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37683#comment:4>
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