[MacPorts] #37798: MacVim: Request to create 'gvim', 'gvimdiff', ... symbolic links in addition to 'mvim' series
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jan 27 04:54:29 PST 2013
#37798: MacVim: Request to create 'gvim', 'gvimdiff', ... symbolic links in
addition to 'mvim' series
Reporter: alexey.muranov@… | Owner: raimue@…
Type: request | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: MacVim vim |
Comment (by raimue@…):
Replying to [comment:5 alexey.muranov@…]:
> {{{
> sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/mvim /usr/local/bin/gvim
> }}}
Fine that this works for you. However, this is not a solution for everyone
as `/opt/local/bin` usually comes before `/usr/local/bin` in PATH, which
means that vim +gtk2 would still take preference over MacVim. I am not
opposed to adding a way to make MacVim accessible using `gvim*`, but right
now I don't see a way to avoid the conflict with vim (since we cannot add
conflicts on specific variants) or the need for a `port select gvim`.
However, if `git mergetool` is your main use case, I can suggest two
different ways to solve this in .gitconfig:
1. Override gvimdiff with mvimdiff:
[difftool "gvimdiff"]
path = /opt/local/bin/mvimdiff
2. Add an additional mergetool:
[mergetool "mvimdiff"]
cmd = /opt/local/bin/mvimdiff -f "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"
tool = mvimdiff
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37798#comment:7>
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