[MacPorts] #39468: py-pyobjc-quartz py-pyobjc-qtkit update to 2.5.1
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 3 20:58:34 PDT 2013
#39468: py-pyobjc-quartz py-pyobjc-qtkit update to 2.5.1
Reporter: and.damore@… | Owner:
Type: update | lkraider+ports@…
Priority: Normal | Status: new
Component: ports | Milestone:
Resolution: | Version: 2.1.3
Port: py-pyobjc-quartz py-pyobjc-qtkit | Keywords:
Comment (by macsforever2000@…):
Replying to [comment:2 lkraider+ports@…]:
> Please find the updated Portfiles attached.
[http://guide.macports.org/#development.patches.portfile Per the guide],
please instead attach unified diffs of the Portfiles so we can easily see
what changes you made.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39468#comment:3>
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