[MacPorts] #39714: mythtv-core.25 builds on ppc but scheduling fails
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jul 12 16:04:14 PDT 2013
#39714: mythtv-core.25 builds on ppc but scheduling fails
Reporter: swbhenderson@… | Owner: ctreleaven@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.3
Resolution: | Keywords: ppc ppc64
Port: mythtv-core.25 |
Comment (by swbhenderson@…):
I will try that either late tonight or tomorrow. I'm assuming you would
like it using macports mythtv-core.25? It's now on fixes/0.26
I'll drop users and database. I've tried recording from a rule. It appears
to make no difference. Usually I just use the EPG and choose something
within the next half hour and record.
I may then have to look at my storage (Mediasonic HFR2-SU3S2FW). This was
my TimeMachine drive and I when I ran out of room on my internal drive I
moved recordings to this which led to consistent failures (taking too long
to read/write).
Thanks for your help.
Replying to [comment:4 ctreleaven@…]:
> With what you've described, I'd say you should drop the database again
and start that part fresh. Perhaps the mythtv user on MySQL wasn't
granted the normal permissions?
> Could you describe the steps you take to schedule a recording and what
happens? If you could capture logs from both mythfrontend and mythbackend
for _just_ that activity, perhaps it would show something enlightening.
> Also curious why you say "FireWire 800 wasn't cutting it"? My main
storage drive for mythbackend is on a FW400 connection and operates
without any problems. I have two HDHomerun Duals as tuners.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39714#comment:5>
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