[MacPorts] #39714: mythtv-core.25 builds on ppc but scheduling fails
noreply at macports.org
Sat Jul 13 13:34:39 PDT 2013
#39714: mythtv-core.25 builds on ppc but scheduling fails
Reporter: swbhenderson@… | Owner: ctreleaven@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.1.3
Resolution: | Keywords: ppc ppc64
Port: mythtv-core.25 |
Comment (by swbhenderson@…):
Replying to [comment:8 ctreleaven@…]:
> Are you running mythbackend from a Terminal session? Or starting it
with Myth_Stop_Start?
sudo launchctl load -w '/Library/LoadDaemons/org.mythtv.mythbackend.plist'
just habit ...
> The mythbackend log indicates that a recording rule was created
> {{{
> 2013-07-13 13:52:23.647421 I [873/13315] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:499
(PrintList) - --- print list start ---
> 2013-07-13 13:52:23.647440 I [873/13315] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:501
(PrintList) - Title - Subtitle Ch Station Day Start
End S C I T N Pri
> 2013-07-13 13:52:23.647548 I [873/13315] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:550
(PrintRec) - Invincible 50_1 圀圀吀䤀ⴀ䐀吀 13
13:00-15:00 1 0 0 S R 1
> 2013-07-13 13:52:23.647556 I [873/13315] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:517
(PrintList) - --- print list end ---
> }}}
> {{{
> 2013-07-13 13:38:34.207568 I [873/11787] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:3808
(TuningSignalCheck) - TVRec(1): Got good signal
> 237 2013-07-13 13:38:34.207703 I [873/11787] TVRecEvent
tv_rec.cpp:2012 (TeardownSignalMonitor) - TVRec(1):
TeardownSignalMonitor() -- begin
> 238 2013-07-13 13:38:34.207948 I [873/523] CoreContext
scheduler.cpp:638 (UpdateRecStatus) - Updating status for Invincible on
cardid 1 (Tuning => Recording)
> 239 2013-07-13 13:38:34.209413 I [873/523] CoreContext
recordinginfo.cpp:1171 (AddHistory) - AddHistory: -2/-10, 0, 0, Sat Jul 13
13:00:00 2013/Invincible
> }}}
> But is this the episode you watched live just before?
Just pressed R in the EPG. I call it live because it was already running,
so recording started immediately.
> Please create a new recording rule (Manage Recordings>Schedule
Recordings>Program Finder ...) for something like The Simpsons (lots of
episodes in repeats) allowing it to record at any time on any channel.
Before leaving the Schedule Editor screen, select Preview to have Myth
list all the upcoming episodes. Along the right hand side of the Preview
Schedule Changes window, you'll see either a tuner number or a letter code
indicating why that episode won't be recorded. For example, I just added
a rule for Magic School Bus. There are episodes showing on 2 channels
each day for the next 15 days. Only half are scheduled to record as the
one channel repeats exactly what is showing on the other.
Will do.
> Also, the station name for your "Invincible" rule is mangled. For OTA
via an HDHomerun, you have to manually enter the XMLTVID's in mythtv-setup
(using the info from the SchedulesDirect site). Done?
I entered the XMLTVIDs manually. Actually Mythfilldatabase does a good job
of matching the channel numbers and filling in the XMLTVIDs itself. This
time I did it myself before running it. The mangling is the byte swap
anomaly I mentioned in my first message. It only effects the description
and callsign. I was just too lazy to go and change all of them. I at
first thought the problems were related but it appears to make no
difference if I fix the description and callsign or not. I'll change them
before the next run.
> Could you please attach the log from your last mythfilldatabase run?
Should be in /opt/local/var/log/mythtv.25/ ...
Attached. It's uninformative. I ran it from the script hoping it would
create nice log. It didn't but all the data was inserted into the
database. If I'm running it manually I usually run it from the terminal
which is much more informative. I've attached one of those too.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39714#comment:9>
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