[MacPorts] #37890: RFE: General categories cleanup
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 15 12:17:17 PDT 2013
#37890: RFE: General categories cleanup
Reporter: egall@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by c.herbig@…):
Just to throw in my two cents, there also seem to be some categories that
could cross reference more than what they have. For example, Katomic
could probably be exposed in the Education category as well. The reason I
say this is that simply trying to browse through Gnome or KDE4, you get
flooded with all sorts of ports and libraries that it gets easy to miss
something that might be what you were looking for; who wants to browse
through 7+ pages of ports. Granted, this is probably just as much the
fault of port maintainers choosing poor short descriptions and/or
long_descriptions that don't really tell anything useful about the port.
To summarize, as an outsider looking in, there doesn't seem to be any sort
of clear strategy for port categorization, description or discovery.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37890#comment:20>
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