[MacPorts] #39861: subversion: error: 'SVN_AUTH_PARAM_GNOME_KEYRING_UNLOCK_PROMPT_FUNC' undeclared
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jul 25 17:56:35 PDT 2013
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: dluke@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.0
Resolution: | Keywords: leopard
Port: subversion |
Comment (by jwhowse4@…):
Replying to [comment:2 dluke@…]:
> Do you have gnome-keyring installed? Maybe we need to set up or patch
things so it doesn't go out and look for gnome-keyring?
I am having the same problem under Lion 10.7.5 and Xcode 4.6.3.
Deactivating the port libgnome-keyring allowed me to successfully build
subversion. However the +tools variant no longer builds...
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39861#comment:4>
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