[MacPorts] #32716: geant4: update to 9.5
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jul 26 13:59:16 PDT 2013
#32716: geant4: update to 9.5
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: cristiano.fontana@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: geant4 |
Comment (by mojca@…):
> > - '''Smooth transition from 4.9.4''': I'm not sure what is needed or
how to implement it.
> Make the current {{{geant4}}} port {{{replaced_by geant4.9.6}}}.
If I understand correctly this is only possible if the new port is called
> > - Decide on exact port name: {{{geant4}}}?
> I recommend the overall meta port be called "geant" so the version is
not encoded in the name. This allows an easy transition from the current
geant4 port to be {{{replaced_by}}} this.
This is definitely true. (I don't know to what extent calling the new port
{{{geant4}}} would be a problem though. I wouldn't know how to handle it
in any case.)
> > - Decide on exact subport name: {{{geant4.9.6}}}?
> I like the this. The perl ports (messed up as the perl situation is) are
a good example. I never liked the python/ruby model which omits the
periods. The ruby186 port is a good example of a confusing name.
But then I have another question for you: how would you name the patch
files (I currently have {{{patch-cmake-Modules-
Geant4BuildProjectConfig.cmake.4100.diff}}} for example) and variants
({{{gate}}} could depend on two different versions of geant, I called them
{{{geant495}}} and {{{geant496}}}; would more verbose variant names be
> > - Decide on exact variant names: {{{raytracer_x11/raytracerx}}},
{{{motif/motif_x11}}}, {{{opengl_x11/x11}}}
> I like the more explicit naming: {{{raytracer_x11}}}, {{{motif_x11}}},
{{{opengl_x11}}}. But I say that without knowing what the exact
differences are.
Just different GUIs, in fact one more obsolete on mac than the other
(maybe raytracer is usable). Maybe they could be a tiny bit faster than
Qt, but definitely a lot more clumsy to use. Another option is to leave
them in the port for a while, only comment them out and ask for the first
user to request them. If nobody requests them, I would actually be happier
to leave x11 out.
> > - Document how to use the port (where could this go?)
> Use the [http://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto wiki HOWTO page] to link to
a new geant subpage which documents everything. The port itself can have a
"{{{notes}}}" entry which links to this.
Thank you.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/32716#comment:17>
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