[MacPorts] #39424: Ports that use qmake: consider using the new qmake portgroup
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jun 12 08:19:21 PDT 2013
#39424: Ports that use qmake: consider using the new qmake portgroup
Reporter: egall@… | Owner: macports-
Type: enhancement | tickets@…
Priority: Normal | Status: new
Component: ports | Milestone:
Resolution: | Version: 2.1.3
Port: abtransfers arora bitcoin bitdht | Keywords:
clustalx cmake djview doxygen GLC_lib |
gnuradio goldendict gwenhywfar4 k3dsurf |
kdiff3 libQGLViewer mythtv-core.25 OpenCSG |
openscad psi-otr py-pyqt4 py26-pyqt3 qca qfsm |
qgit QMK-Groundstation qscintilla qt- |
assistant qt3 qt3-mac qt4-creator-mac qt4-mac |
qt4-mac-mysql55-plugin qt4-mac- |
postgresql91-plugin qt4-mac-sqlite2-plugin |
qt4-x11 qtc-qtsharp qtiplot qtpfsgui |
qtscriptgenerator qtsharp QupZilla qwt |
qwtplot3d qxmpp sqlitedbrowser tea texstudio |
tiled Vidalia x2goclient xxdiff |
Comment (by nicos@…):
The portgroup is not meant for all ports using qmake. For example, several
ports use qmake within standard autotools, thus compiling by
These ports are not concerned by this portgroup, as they define variables
during the configuration phase. However, several other ports must be
compiled through
The portgroup aims at setting variables for these ports.
Typically, in case the configuration phase is made with qmake, the
--prefix argument is not used, and PREFIX is, hence the changes of
variables in the portgroup. Due to these differences, it did not appear
suitable to include these in the qt4 portgroup which is more general for
ports depending on qt4.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39424#comment:3>
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