[MacPorts] #41182: mongo shell crashes on exit

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 4 12:46:57 PST 2013

#41182: mongo shell crashes on exit
 Reporter:  p.perroud@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
     Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.2.1
 Keywords:               |       Port:  mongodb 2.4.8
 I have installed mongodb 2.4.8 port on Mavericks.

 When I quit mongo shell with a Ctrl-D after a full bench a db queries
 fired from the command line, the shell simply crashes on exit with signal
 11 error ("Segmentation fault"):

 MongoDB shell version: 2.4.8
 connecting to: test
 > use test_unit
 switched to db test_unit
 > db.tu.find().pretty()
         [ . . . ]
 Type "it" for more

 [ ctrl+D ]

 Mon Nov  4 15:14:02.065 mongo got signal 11 (Segmentation fault: 11),
 stack trace:

 Mon Nov  4 15:14:02.215 0x10430da2a 0x10420da2a 0x7fff8fec55aa 0xa
 0x10438d6c7 0x10445acc9 0x10445ab31 0x1042cb4ad 0x1042cb35f 0x1042149ab
 0x104214fbf 0x7fff8908b5fd
  0   mongo                               0x000000010430da2a
 + 58
  1   mongo                               0x000000010420da2a
 _Z12quitAbruptlyi + 666
  2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff8fec55aa _sigtramp + 26
  3   ???                                 0x000000000000000a 0x0 + 10
  4   mongo                               0x000000010438d6c7
 _ZN2v88internal15DeoptimizerDataD1Ev + 55
  5   mongo                               0x000000010445acc9
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate6DeinitEv + 105
  6   mongo                               0x000000010445ab31
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate8TearDownEv + 81
  7   mongo                               0x00000001042cb4ad
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD2Ev + 285
  8   mongo                               0x00000001042cb35f
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD0Ev + 15
  9   mongo                               0x00000001042149ab
 _Z5_mainiPPcS0_ + 22507
  10  mongo                               0x0000000104214fbf main + 95
  11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff8908b5fd start + 1

 Mon Nov  4 17:49:39.573 mongo got signal 11 (Segmentation fault: 11),
 stack trace:

 Mon Nov  4 17:49:39.575 0x10c757a2a 0x10c657a2a 0x7fff8fec55aa 0xa
 0x10c7d76c7 0x10c8a4cc9 0x10c8a4b31 0x10c7154ad 0x10c71535f 0x10c65e9ab
 0x10c65efbf 0x7fff8908b5fd 0x2
  0   mongo                               0x000000010c757a2a
 + 58
  1   mongo                               0x000000010c657a2a
 _Z12quitAbruptlyi + 666
  2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff8fec55aa _sigtramp + 26
  3   ???                                 0x000000000000000a 0x0 + 10
  4   mongo                               0x000000010c7d76c7
 _ZN2v88internal15DeoptimizerDataD1Ev + 55
  5   mongo                               0x000000010c8a4cc9
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate6DeinitEv + 105
  6   mongo                               0x000000010c8a4b31
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate8TearDownEv + 81
  7   mongo                               0x000000010c7154ad
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD2Ev + 285
  8   mongo                               0x000000010c71535f
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD0Ev + 15
  9   mongo                               0x000000010c65e9ab
 _Z5_mainiPPcS0_ + 22507
  10  mongo                               0x000000010c65efbf main + 95
  11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff8908b5fd start + 1
  12  ???                                 0x0000000000000002 0x0 + 2

 Mon Nov  4 20:09:02.678 mongo got signal 11 (Segmentation fault: 11),
 stack trace:

 Mon Nov  4 20:09:02.728 0x103a6ba2a 0x10396ba2a 0x7fff8fec55aa 0xa
 0x103aeb6c7 0x103bb8cc9 0x103bb8b31 0x103a294ad 0x103a2935f 0x1039729ab
 0x103972fbf 0x7fff8908b5fd
  0   mongo                               0x0000000103a6ba2a
 + 58
  1   mongo                               0x000000010396ba2a
 _Z12quitAbruptlyi + 666
  2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff8fec55aa _sigtramp + 26
  3   ???                                 0x000000000000000a 0x0 + 10
  4   mongo                               0x0000000103aeb6c7
 _ZN2v88internal15DeoptimizerDataD1Ev + 55
  5   mongo                               0x0000000103bb8cc9
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate6DeinitEv + 105
  6   mongo                               0x0000000103bb8b31
 _ZN2v88internal7Isolate8TearDownEv + 81
  7   mongo                               0x0000000103a294ad
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD2Ev + 285
  8   mongo                               0x0000000103a2935f
 _ZN5mongo7V8ScopeD0Ev + 15
  9   mongo                               0x00000001039729ab
 _Z5_mainiPPcS0_ + 22507
  10  mongo                               0x0000000103972fbf main + 95
  11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff8908b5fd start + 1


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/41182>
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