[MacPorts] #40669: qgis at 2.0.1 together with py27-pyqt4(-devel)@4.10.3_2 (@4.10.4_0) & py27-qscintilla @2.7.2_3 : dependencies can not be resolved because of indirect mutual exclusivness

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 4 09:30:10 PDT 2013

#40669: qgis at 2.0.1 together with py27-pyqt4(-devel)@4.10.3_2 (@4.10.4_0) &
py27-qscintilla @2.7.2_3 : dependencies can not be resolved because of
indirect mutual exclusivness
 Reporter:  Dr.Martin.Froehlich@…    |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
     Type:  defect                   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal                   |  Milestone:
Component:  ports                    |    Version:  2.2.0
 Keywords:  qgis py27 py27-pyqt4     |       Port:  qgis  py27-pyqt4
  py27-pyqt4-devel py27-qscintilla   |  py27-pyqt4-devel py27-qscintilla
 Can not install qgis at 2.0.1 because it depends on py27-pyqt4-devel and
 py27-qscintilla. Furthermore
 py27-qscintilla depends on py27-pyqt4 leading finally to disaster:
 py27-pyqt4 and py27-pyqt4-devel are mutually exclusive.

 Problem: qgis is not installable.

 Additional question: Why are there two packages, py27-pyqt4 and
 py27-pyqt4-devel which are mutually exclusive, but the Portfiles are
 identical (as the result of diff, files taken from the web site)?

 vulpecula-2<0% 2096 ~ port deps py27-pyqt4-devel
 Full Name: py27-pyqt4-devel @4.10.4_0
 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
 Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, py27-sip, qt4-mac, dbus-python27
 vulpecula-2<0% 2097 ~ port deps py27-pyqt4
 Full Name: py27-pyqt4 @4.10.3_2
 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
 Library Dependencies: python27, py27-sip, qt4-mac, dbus-python27
 vulpecula-2<0% 2098 ~ port dependents py27-pyqt4
 py27-qscintilla depends on py27-pyqt4
 vulpecula-2<0% 2099 ~ port dependents py27-pyqt4-devel
 Error: Registry error: py27-pyqt4-devel not registered as installed.
 vulpecula-2<1% 2100 ~ port deps py27-qscintilla
 Full Name: py27-qscintilla @2.7.2_3
 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
 Library Dependencies: python27, qscintilla, py27-pyqt4, py27-sip
 vulpecula-2<0% 2101 ~ port deps qgis
 Full Name: qgis @2.0.1_0+postgis2+postgresql92+python27
 Build Dependencies:   cmake, pkgconfig, bison, ld64, py27-sip
 Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, libiconv, expat, openssl, proj, geos, gdal,
 sqlite3, gsl, qwt52, fcgi, spatialindex,
                       py27-pyqt4-devel, py27-qscintilla, postgresql92,
 Runtime Dependencies: py27-psycopg2, py27-spatialite
 vulpecula-2<0% 2102 ~ port deps qgis at 2.0.1_0+postgis2+postgresql92
 Full Name: qgis @2.0.1_0+postgis2+postgresql92+python27
 Build Dependencies:   cmake, pkgconfig, bison, ld64, py27-sip
 Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, libiconv, expat, openssl, proj, geos, gdal,
 sqlite3, gsl, qwt52, fcgi, spatialindex,
                       py27-pyqt4-devel, py27-qscintilla, postgresql92,
 Runtime Dependencies: py27-psycopg2, py27-spatialite
 vulpecula-2<0% 2103 ~ port info py27-pyqt4-devel
 py27-pyqt4-devel @4.10.4 (python, devel)
 Variants:             debug, phonon, scintilla, universal

 Description:          PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4
 toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python
                       modules: qt, qtcanvas, qtgl, qtnetwork, qtsql,
 qttable, qtui and qtxml, and contains 300 classes and over
                       5,750 functions and methods.

 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
 Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, py27-sip, qt4-mac, dbus-python27
 Conflicts with:       py27-pyqt4
 Platforms:            macosx
 License:              GPL-2 GPL-3
 Maintainers:          michaelld at macports.org, openmaintainer at macports.org
 vulpecula-2<0% 2104 ~ port info py27-pyqt4
 py27-pyqt4 @4.10.3_2 (python, devel)
 Variants:             debug, phonon, scintilla, universal

 Description:          PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4
 toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python
                       modules: qt, qtcanvas, qtgl, qtnetwork, qtsql,
 qttable, qtui and qtxml, and contains 300 classes and over
                       5,750 functions and methods.

 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig
 Library Dependencies: python27, py27-sip, qt4-mac, dbus-python27
 Conflicts with:       py27-pyqt4-devel
 Platforms:            macosx
 License:              GPL-2 GPL-3
 Maintainers:          michaelld at macports.org, openmaintainer at macports.org
 vulpecula-2<0% 2105 ~ port info qgis
 qgis @2.0.1 (gis)
 Variants:             debug, grass, postgis, [+]postgis2, postgresql91,
 [+]postgresql92, postgresql93, python26, [+]python27,

 Description:          QGIS is a GIS. It can visualize, inject data into
 PostGres/PostGIS, or serve as a Qt front-end to Grass.
                       Extended with Python plugins, it can become a quite
 powerful GIS on its own.
 Homepage:             http://www.qgis.org/

 Build Dependencies:   cmake, pkgconfig, bison, ld64, py27-sip
 Library Dependencies: qt4-mac, libiconv, expat, openssl, proj, geos, gdal,
 sqlite3, gsl, qwt52, fcgi, spatialindex,
                       py27-pyqt4-devel, py27-qscintilla, postgresql92,
 Runtime Dependencies: py27-psycopg2, py27-spatialite
 Platforms:            darwin
 License:              GPL
 Maintainers:          vince at macports.org
 vulpecula-2<0% 2106 ~ sudo port -v install qgis
 --->  Computing dependencies for qgis..
 Error: Unable to execute port: Can't install py27-pyqt4-devel because
 conflicting ports are installed: py27-pyqt4
 Result of file-comparison:
 vulpecula-2<0% 2111 ~/Downloads diff -u Portfile-py27-pyqt4 Portfile-
 vulpecula-2<0% 2112 ~/Downloads
 No output, that is: Files are identical.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/40669>
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