[MacPorts] #39327: New portfile for ITSOL: ITerative linear SOLvers

Michael Dickens michaelld at macports.org
Tue Oct 8 10:25:36 PDT 2013

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013, at 02:13 AM, c. wrote:
> Yes we are aware of these shortcomings in the original ITSOL library
> with the debian fedora and cygwin packagers we have been trying to get
> patches
> accepted upstream to deal with this but response from the upstream
> maintainer 
> has been intermittent ...

OK; good to know.  I think the developer's intention was to make those
functions static to the file in which they are used.  Do you agree?  Do
you have other patches that I could incorporate?

> BTW, it's been long time since I last managed to build Octave with
> +accelerate,
> I think it will be hard work if you want to make this variant with the
> next Octave 
> release.

In MacPorts "octave" is the 3.2 release while "octave-devel" is the 3.6
release (latest versions).  I have not used octave I think ever (not
even tried to build it), but I do maintain octave-devel and it does work
with +g95 and +accelerate; or with +gcc4X and +atlas out of the box with
little extra coercion.

> > which is just fine, since if the new octave uses
> > this project then they will have similar requirements. +g95 works just
> > fine, btw, at least for me.
> If you mean it works fine for building ITSOL I'm not surprised, 
> but if you managed to use it for building Octave 3.7 I'd be really 
> interested in knowing your recipe ...

I do not have access (TTBOMK) to Octave 3.7 yet, in any form.  Has it
been released and I just didn't know?  Looking at <
https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/download.html > this does not seem
to be the case.  If anyone wants to get me a beta to test out, I'll do
what I can.

> Thank you very much for your effort!

You're welcome; let's hope I can find time to finish it quickly, since
I've got a lot on my queue right now and more coming ;) - MLD

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