[MacPorts] #46241: git-flow update: bump subport git-flow-avh v1.7.0 -> v1.8.0
noreply at macports.org
Mon Dec 15 08:07:01 PST 2014
#46241: git-flow update: bump subport git-flow-avh v1.7.0 -> v1.8.0
Reporter: jason-macports@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch maintainer
Port: git-flow-avh |
Comment (by ryandesign@…):
Why doesn't this subport fetch from a distfile? The other three subports
use `git submodule update --init`, which is a valid reason to use
`fetch.type git`, but git-flow-avh doesn't.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46241#comment:2>
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