[MacPorts] #29307: GNU Guile version 2 series
noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 16 18:18:27 PST 2014
#29307: GNU Guile version 2 series
Reporter: rkmspence@… | Owner: dports@…
Type: update | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: guile guile18 |
Comment (by dports@…):
So here's where we are:
Patched to use guile18:
* lilypond, lilypond-devel
* geda-gaf
* libmatheval
Looks OK with guile20 (just needs a revbump or minor patch):
* autogen
* denemo
* gnucash, gnucash-devel
* harminv
* libctl
* swig-guile
Needs some kind of fix eventually:
* slib-guile
* g-wrap
Totally broken at the moment:
* gnotime
* taxbird
* InsightToolkit, InsightToolkit312, InsightToolkit314
* TeXmacs
I'll shortly update guile and the ports in the second category. I'm going
to skip the last two for now. slib-guile and g-wrap are libraries that
nothing is using, and the last category are ports that don't even build
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/29307#comment:31>
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