[MacPorts] #46284: Add support for universal variant to category:pure
noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 19 18:09:10 PST 2014
#46284: Add support for universal variant to category:pure
Reporter: aggraef@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: haspatch maintainer | Port: category:pure
It would be nice if the Pure addon modules (category:pure) had support for
the universal variant. The attached pure-1.0.diff adds this capability.
This already works with most existing ports in the pure category if the
following line is added to the corresponding Portfiles:
universal_variant yes
I've also attached the patch pure-universal.diff which enables this flag
in all ports in category:pure which support (and need) this flag, and also
bumps their revision numbers. (The pure-reduce port also needs an
additional patch to make this work, which is attached as patch-Makefile-
ldflags.diff. This file goes into pure/pure-reduce/files.)
There are still some ports in category:pure which don't support universal
binaries right now:
- pure-octave: This depends on the octave port which doesn't support
universal binaries right now, so there won't be any support for that in
pure-octave either as long as this is the case.
- faust2pd, pd-faust, pure-gen: These are basically compiled Pure scripts.
As the Pure batch compiler doesn't allow the creation of universal
binaries yet (at least not directly), the universal variant isn't
supported for these ports yet. (I started working on a solution for this,
but it will probably take some time and maybe a new Pure release to make
that work.)
NOTE: The remaining ports in category:pure which don't have
`universal_variant` set don't need it, since they contain no binaries.
These are: pure-docs, pure-g2, pure-rational.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46284>
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