[MacPorts] #46305: p5-pdl: plplot fails to configure, disabled by default
noreply at macports.org
Mon Dec 22 11:59:09 PST 2014
#46305: p5-pdl: plplot fails to configure, disabled by default
Reporter: devans@… | Owner: mgrimes@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: p5-pdl
In spite of the dependency on plplot, p5-pdl fails to configure plplot
graphics support. Investigation shows that this option is explicitly
disabled by default in ${worksrcpath}/perldl.conf
Default setting in perldl.conf (in spite of the comment, 0 -> disable, 1
-> enable, undef -> auto):
# default settings (let PDL build decide whether to build PLPLOT)
WITH_PLPLOT => 0, # Leave it up to PDL to decide
WHERE_PLPLOT_LIBS => undef, # let PDL search for plplot
WHERE_PLPLOT_INCLUDE => undef, # let PDL search for plplot
Result during configuration
:info:configure User requested no PLplot interface!
:info:configure Not building PDL::Graphics::PLplot
:info:configure Checking PDL::Graphics::PLplot...
:info:configure found_plplot is 0
:info:configure writing dummy Makefile
If perldl.conf is edited to allow auto configuration
# default settings (let PDL build decide whether to build PLPLOT)
WITH_PLPLOT => undef, # Leave it up to PDL to decide
WHERE_PLPLOT_LIBS => undef, # let PDL search for plplot
WHERE_PLPLOT_INCLUDE => undef, # let PDL search for plplot
configuration succeeds as follows
:info:configure Checking PDL::Graphics::PLplot...
:info:configure found_plplot is 1
:info:configure Succeeded linking PLplot with -L/opt/local/lib
-lplplotd -lX11
:info:configure plsmem function found, in-memory plotting
:info:configure plsvect function found, vector plotting available!
:info:configure c_plgcoloa function found, alpha transparency
:info:configure c_plseed function found, random numbers available!
:info:configure c_plsfont function found, set font available!
:info:configure c_plimagefr function found, 2d matrix available!
:info:configure c_pllegend function found, Plot legends available!
:info:configure Generating a Unix-style Makefile
:info:configure Writing Makefile for PDL::Graphics::PLplot
Comments in ${worksrcpath}/Changes indicate that, at least on Windows,
plplot integrated support does not build correctly. Workaround is to
install PDL first and then install PDL::Graphics::PLplot which, indeed, is
packaged as a [http://search.cpan.org/~dhunt/PDL-Graphics-PLplot-0.67/
separate module] as well. This isn't well documented so I'm not sure
which approach is preferred.
Possible solutions:
* leave perldl.conf as is (plplot disabled), remove the dependency on
plplot and reply on a separate p5-pdl-graphics-plplot port (not yet
ported) to acheive this support
* patch perldl.conf to enable plplot and keep plplot dependency
* create a variant +plplot that enables plplot when selected
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46305>
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