[MacPorts] #46322: p5-*: consistently remove Perl versions 5.8-5.14
noreply at macports.org
Sat Dec 27 05:11:56 PST 2014
#46322: p5-*: consistently remove Perl versions 5.8-5.14
Reporter: mojca@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by mojca@…):
List of failed ports:
* Building p5-mac-glue (45 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-glue (46 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-mac-growl (3481 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-growl (3482 of 3916)...skipping, p5.16-mac-glue
previously failed and is needed
* Building p5-text-kakasi (407 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-text-kakasi (408 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-text-chasen (737 of 3916)...failure (10.10 only)[[BR]]
Building p5.16-text-chasen (738 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-macosx-file (1283 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-macosx-file (1284 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-sgmlspm (1477 of 3916)...failure (#44418, #46054,
Building p5.16-sgmlspm (1478 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.18-sgmlspm (1479 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.20-sgmlspm (1480 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-pdl (1663 of 3916)...failure (#46306)[[BR]]
Building p5.16-pdl (1664 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.18-pdl (1665 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.20-pdl (1666 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-pdl-graphics-gnuplot (2093 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-pdl-graphics-gnuplot (2094 of 3916)...skipping,
p5.16-pdl previously failed and is needed
* Building p5-mac-carbon (1745 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-carbon (1746 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-mac-appleevents-simple (1849 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-appleevents-simple (1850 of 3916)...skipping,
p5.16-mac-carbon previously failed and is needed
* Building p5-mac-apps-launch (1893 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-apps-launch (1894 of 3916)...skipping,
p5.16-mac-appleevents-simple previously failed and is needed
* Building p5-mac-osa-simple (3411 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-mac-osa-simple (3412 of 3916)...skipping, p5.16
-mac-carbon previously failed and is needed
* Building p5-opengl (2015 of 3916)...failure (#44417)[[BR]]
Building p5.16-opengl (2016 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.18-opengl (2017 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.20-opengl (2018 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-libapreq (2099 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-libapreq (2100 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-devel-size (2251 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
* Building p5.16-devel-size (2252 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-net-cups (2679 of 3916)...failure (#35899)[[BR]]
Building p5.16-net-cups (2680 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-libapreq2 (2957 of 3916)...package found, not building
again (#42582)[[BR]]
Building p5.16-libapreq2 (2958 of 3916)...package found, not building
Building p5.18-libapreq2 (2959 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.20-libapreq2 (2960 of 3916)...failure
* Building p5-data-alias (3867 of 3916)...failure[[BR]]
Building p5.16-data-alias (3868 of 3916)...failure
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46322#comment:29>
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