[MacPorts] #46008: lua51 @5.1.5 new port
noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 28 09:55:21 PST 2014
#46008: lua51 @5.1.5 new port
Reporter: garth@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Port: lua51 |
Changes (by khindenburg@…):
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed
lua51 has been in ports since earlier this year
r121047 | devans at macports.org | 2014-06-15 17:19:59 -0400 (Sun, 15 Jun
2014) | 2 lines
lua51: fix patch files to install libraries in the form liblua-5.1 and
make lua-5.1.pc agree with that (#43862).
r118490 | and.damore at macports.org | 2014-04-03 05:57:03 -0400 (Thu, 03 Apr
2014) | 2 lines
port lua51: fix typo, install more examples, bump revision, nomaintainer
r118448 | and.damore at macports.org | 2014-04-02 11:15:18 -0400 (Wed, 02 Apr
2014) | 2 lines
port lua51: add new versioned lua 5.1 branch for those libraries relying
on 5.1 API
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46008#comment:2>
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