[MacPorts] #46332: ghostscript @9.10_2 error building
noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 28 14:43:33 PST 2014
#46332: ghostscript @9.10_2 error building
Reporter: wwdevil@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ghostscript |
Comment (by ryandesign@…):
This output tells us several things:
* You have not upgraded your ports in a very long time: for example, you
have xorg-xproto 7.0.22_0 installed, but its maintainer updated it to
version 7.0.23 in r90879 in March 2012. You should upgrade your ports much
more frequently than this: every 12 months at a bare minimum, and
hopefully much more frequently than that.
* You have upgraded from Lion (darwin 11) to Yosemite (darwin 14) and have
not rebuilt xorg-libpthread-stubs since then; the indication of platform
mismatch is only shown in `port outdated` when the version and revision
match, so it's possible that some of your other outdated ports also still
date from when they were installed on Lion. You must follow the
[wiki:Migration migration instructions] whenever you upgrade to a new
major OS X version.
* freetype is not shown as outdated, although we have already established
that it is; this probably means it has been replaced by a third-party
installer behind MacPorts' back, along with possibly other libraries and
programs not yet identified.
The best solution is probably to uninstall all ports, uninstall MacPorts,
make sure Xcode and the command line tools are up to date, and then
reinstall MacPorts and the ports you want. The [wiki:Migration migration
instructions] can give some assistance with saving a list of ports you
want before uninstalling, and helping you reinstall them later.
In addition, the output above shows a build failure with py26-mapnik,
which may be unrelated to the other issues. My understanding, from other
MacPorts tickets about mapnik, is that the py26-mapnik port is to be
removed in favor of the existing mapnik port, though an update to the
mapnik port is needed before it can be built again.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46332#comment:5>
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