[MacPorts] #42256: grilo @0.2.7 / grilo-plugins @0.2.9 new Portfiles
noreply at macports.org
Mon Feb 10 16:28:33 PST 2014
#42256: grilo @0.2.7 / grilo-plugins @0.2.9 new Portfiles
Reporter: juanrgar@… | Owner: devans@…
Type: submission | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: grilo grilo-plugins |
Comment (by devans@…):
I think that the grilo-plugins are working, it's just grilo-simple-
playlist that seems to be broken (or I don't know how to use it). Perhaps
there are some fixes in grilo 0.2.8.
After some problems with libdmapsharing (#42402), I was able to build
grilo-simple-playlist gives
$ grilo-simple-playlist
(grilo-simple-playlist:50868): GLib-WARNING **: poll(2) failed due to: Bad
file descriptor.
Query parameter missing
but using grl-inspect-0.2 gives
$ grl-inspect-0.2
(grl-inspect-0.2:50885): GLib-WARNING **: poll(2) failed due to: Bad file
** (grl-inspect-0.2:50885): WARNING **: Error sending SSDP packet to Error sending message: Network is unreachable
** (grl-inspect-0.2:50885): WARNING **: Error sending SSDP packet to Error sending message: Network is unreachable
** (grl-inspect-0.2:50885): WARNING **: Error sending SSDP packet to Error sending message: Network is unreachable
grl-apple-trailers: grl-apple-trailers
grl-bliptv: grl-bliptv
grl-bookmarks: grl-bookmarks
grl-filesystem: grl-filesystem
grl-gravatar: grl-gravatar
grl-jamendo: grl-jamendo
grl-lastfm-albumart: grl-lastfm-albumart
grl-local-metadata: grl-local-metadata
grl-magnatune: grl-magnatune
grl-metadata-store: grl-metadata-store
grl-optical-media: grl-optical-media
grl-podcasts: grl-podcasts
grl-raitv: grl-raitv
grl-upnp: grl-upnp-uuid:785279bc-4bc7-4215-a1ef-d49a043fb891 grl-upnp-
Note that grl-upnp-uuid:8f14eb44-1e77-45c8-98e6-9f88a285542f is an
instance of Coherence media server running on another Mac and grl-upnp-
uuid:785279bc-4bc7-4215-a1ef-d49a043fb891 is an instance of Windows Media
Server running on a PC, both on my local network.
I then configured grilo to build with --enable-test-ui which allows grilo-
test-ui-0.2 to be built. Running grilo-test-ui-0.2 allows me to see all
the sources listed above and search and browse through them including the
local filesystem (grl-filesystem).
Finally, I modified totem to build with its grilo plugin and was able to
see these same resources and search and browse through them there. I was
not able to actually play any selections in totem but I think that is
another totem issue having to do with gvfs not a problem with grilo.
I'm attaching a patch for grilo-plugins that deals with intltool.m4
configuration issues and another with the changes I made to grilo to get
the grilo-test-ui program.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42256#comment:19>
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