[MacPorts] #40782: wireshark-devel: update to 1.11.0
noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 11 13:46:06 PST 2014
#40782: wireshark-devel: update to 1.11.0
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: hsivank@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: wireshark-devel |
Comment (by hsivank@…):
Replying to [comment:19 mojca@…]:
> how does the software behave when both GTK and Qt are being used? (I
would imagine that the two options need to conflict each other, but I
might be wrong. What happens when the user double-clicks WireShark.app and
both GTK and Qt are enabled? I'm sorry for asking without testing myself.)
Currently we don't build bundle. Two executables are created inside
/opt/local/bin. wireshark with Gtk and qtshark with Qt.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/40782#comment:21>
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