[MacPorts] #42468: py-scipy @0.13.3: enable py34 subport, python34 @3.4.0rc1:
noreply at macports.org
Wed Feb 12 04:21:56 PST 2014
#42468: py-scipy @0.13.3: enable py34 subport, python34 @3.4.0rc1:
Reporter: Peter.Danecek@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: py-scipy, python34
This port is quite relevant also as dependency. At least it is a
dependency for a port I maintain. So it would be desirable to have Python
3.4 support enabled soon.
However, there might be an issue with this:
Note: I am a bit confused with the date of this, which seems not to
correspond with rc 1 release, so the issue might in reality refer to
"beta" instead of "release candidate". Here the release schedule:
In case the above issue applies, I guess there are two options:
- wait for Python 3.4 rc 2 (upstream fix);
- apply the patch proposed above;
The maintainer of `python34` might want to consider applying the cited
patch before Python 3.4 rc2 is available, so I CC as well.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42468>
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