[MacPorts] #42542: libgnomeui: rev-upgrade rebuild fails after installing gdb 7.6 (was: Can't install gdb 7.6)
noreply at macports.org
Sun Feb 16 23:57:06 PST 2014
#42542: libgnomeui: rev-upgrade rebuild fails after installing gdb 7.6
Reporter: danielux@… | Owner: devans@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: libgnomeui |
Changes (by devans@…):
* status: new => assigned
* priority: High => Normal
* owner: macports-tickets@… => devans@…
* port: gdb 7.6 => libgnomeui
Old description:
> When I try performing: sudo port install gdb
> I get these messages:
> ---> Cleaning gdb
> ---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
> ---> Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> ---> Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
> ---> Rebuilding in order
> libgnomeui @2.24.5 +x11
> ---> Computing dependencies for libgnomeui
> ---> Cleaning libgnomeui
> ---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
> ---> Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> ---> Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
> ---> Rebuilding in order
> libgnomeui @2.24.5 +x11
> ---> Computing dependencies for libgnomeui
> ---> Fetching distfiles for libgnomeui
> ---> Verifying checksums for libgnomeui
> ---> Extracting libgnomeui
> ---> Configuring libgnomeui
> ---> Building libgnomeui
> Error: org.macports.build for port libgnomeui returned: command execution
> failed
> Please see the log file for port libgnomeui for details:
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_tarballs_ports_gnome_libgnomeui/libgnomeui/main.log
> Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
> Error rebuilding libgnomeui
> while executing
> "error "Error rebuilding $portname""
> (procedure "revupgrade_scanandrebuild" line 382)
> invoked from within
> "revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts $opts"
> (procedure "macports::revupgrade" line 5)
> invoked from within
> "macports::revupgrade $opts"
> (procedure "action_revupgrade" line 2)
> invoked from within
> "action_revupgrade $action $portlist $opts"
> (procedure "action_target" line 96)
> invoked from within
> "$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
> (procedure "process_cmd" line 93)
> invoked from within
> "process_cmd $remaining_args"
> invoked from within
> "if { [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } {
> # If there are remaining arguments, process those as a command
> set exit_status [process_cmd $remaining..."
> (file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 4857)
> Which apparently means the tool fails building libgnomeui. In the
> attached main.log file it mentions the file /opt/local/bin/gsed: can't
> read /opt/local/lib/libgnomevfs-2.la is missing, which is true in my
> system.
> Any clues on what may be happening?
> Thanks,
> Dan.
New description:
When I try performing: sudo port install gdb
I get these messages:
---> Cleaning gdb
---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
---> Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
---> Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
---> Rebuilding in order
libgnomeui @2.24.5 +x11
---> Computing dependencies for libgnomeui
---> Cleaning libgnomeui
---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
---> Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
---> Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
---> Rebuilding in order
libgnomeui @2.24.5 +x11
---> Computing dependencies for libgnomeui
---> Fetching distfiles for libgnomeui
---> Verifying checksums for libgnomeui
---> Extracting libgnomeui
---> Configuring libgnomeui
---> Building libgnomeui
Error: org.macports.build for port libgnomeui returned: command execution
Please see the log file for port libgnomeui for details:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
Error rebuilding libgnomeui
while executing
"error "Error rebuilding $portname""
(procedure "revupgrade_scanandrebuild" line 382)
invoked from within
"revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts $opts"
(procedure "macports::revupgrade" line 5)
invoked from within
"macports::revupgrade $opts"
(procedure "action_revupgrade" line 2)
invoked from within
"action_revupgrade $action $portlist $opts"
(procedure "action_target" line 96)
invoked from within
"$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
(procedure "process_cmd" line 93)
invoked from within
"process_cmd $remaining_args"
invoked from within
"if { [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } {
# If there are remaining arguments, process those as a command
set exit_status [process_cmd $remaining..."
(file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 4857)
Which apparently means the tool fails building libgnomeui. In the attached
main.log file it mentions the file /opt/local/bin/gsed: can't read
/opt/local/lib/libgnomevfs-2.la is missing, which is true in my system.
Any clues on what may be happening?
It appears that your install of gdb was successful but 'port rev-upgrade',
which runs automatically after an install, found a linking error in an
already installed version of libgnomeui and attempted a rebuild to resolve
the problem. This is unrelated to the gdb build.
Are you saying that port gnome-vfs is not installed and active on your
sudo port installed gnome-vfs
If not, does installing gnome-vfs solve the build problem with libgnomeui?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42542#comment:1>
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