[MacPorts] #41996: expat @2.1.0: sh: /usr/bin/gnutar: No such file or directory
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 1 23:50:47 PST 2014
#41996: expat @2.1.0: sh: /usr/bin/gnutar: No such file or directory
Reporter: glowworm4200@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: invalid | Keywords:
Port: expat |
Comment (by glowworm4200@…):
I think I solved my problem, so I thought I'd share for anyone else who
may encounter a similar problem and stumble across this page.
I downloaded gnu tar 1.27.1 from: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/tar/
There's several types of archived files there, including .tar, .cpio,
.shar. I didn't have anyway to unarchive any of those, but I lucked out
with an older laptop that had BSD tar on it. If that's not an option,
hopefully the tools to unpack .cpio and .shar are easier to obtain.
Anyways, I copied the /usr/bin/tar utility from my old laptop, running OSX
4.1.11 (Tiger), onto a thumb drive. Then I copied it back into usr/bin on
my current laptop. I double-clicked on the dowloaded file and it worked.
Then I removed tar from /usr/bin.
Then, following directions from the download, I changed directories to the
unarchived folder in my Downloads folder and:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
I've always been leery of compiling from source, as I've never done it
before, but it worked out. The finished tar (binary, I believe it's
called) is found in the "src" folder. Next, I copied that tar file into
/usr/bin and tried macports again. Doh! It wants /usr/bin/gnutar...
$ cp /Users/name/Downloads/tar-1.27.1/src/tar /usr/bin/gnutar
Now macports works just fine!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/41996#comment:4>
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