[MacPorts] #42142: gsl @1.16_2 +gcc48: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 15 12:36:12 PST 2014
#42142: gsl @1.16_2 +gcc48: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs
Reporter: gryphon.csd8@… | Owner: dtakahashi42@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: | Keywords: mavericks
Port: gsl |
Comment (by ryandesign@…):
Roy responded by email:
> thanks - the Xcode command line tools install is confusing.
> I’ve installed Xcode 5.0.2 from the App Store.
> On my 10.9.1 system I don’t see Command Line Tools available in the
Preference Downloads tab. (gsl install does not work) [[br]]
> On my 10.8.5 system, the Command Line Tools is on the Preference
Downloads tab. (gsl install works)
> On my 10.9.1 system:
> {{{
> Wed Jan 15 11:44:35 beowulf ~> sudo xcode-select --install
> xcode-select: error: no developer tools were found, and no install could
be requested (perhaps no UI is present), please install manually from
> Wed Jan 15 13:13:45 beowulf ~>
> }}}
> however:
> {{{
> Wed Jan 15 13:21:04 beowulf ~> sudo xcode-select --print-path
> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
> Wed Jan 15 13:21:20 beowulf ~>
> }}}
> should I reinstall Xcode from a developer.apple.com download? I can get
"Xcode 5.0.2" (11 Nov 2013) and "Command Line Tools (OS Mavericks) for
Xcode - Late October" (22 Oct 2013)
Yes, you are correct, the command line tools install was previously in the
Download section of the Preferences tab of the Xcode application, but that
is no longer the case on Mavericks. Now you need to run `xcode-select
--install` to install them. I do not know why the "install could not be
requested" on your system. Perhaps it is because you used "sudo" which is
not necessary. Or perhaps you are logging in to the computer over ssh? If
so, do it from a Terminal window on the computer itself, not over ssh. You
do not need to reinstall Xcode; you only need to install the Xcode command
line tools. If running `xcode-select --install` does not allow you to do
so, then download and install "Command Line Tools (OS Mavericks) for Xcode
- Late October" from the Apple developer web site.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42142#comment:2>
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