[MacPorts] #42318: py-petsc4py @3.4: fails to parse for subport py33
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jan 29 15:36:57 PST 2014
#42318: py-petsc4py @3.4: fails to parse for subport py33
Reporter: Peter.Danecek@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: py-petsc4py
I observe the following parsing problem after a `sudo port -v
selfupdate`on my system (OS X 10.8.5).
Creating port index in
Warning: failed to open old entry for python/py-petsc4py, making a new one
Adding port python/py-petsc4py
Adding subport py26-petsc4py
Adding subport py27-petsc4py
Adding subport py32-petsc4py
Error: Install py33-mpi4py +mpich
Failed to parse file python/py-petsc4py/Portfile with subport
'py33-petsc4py': py33-mpi4py +mpich not installed
Total number of ports parsed: 5
Ports successfully parsed: 4
Ports failed: 1
Up-to-date ports skipped: 18097
The port `py33-petsc4py` seems not to be available then:
petr% port search petsc4py
py-petsc4py @3.4 (python, math)
PETSc for Python - Python bindings for PETSc
py26-petsc4py @3.4 (python, math)
PETSc for Python - Python bindings for PETSc
py27-petsc4py @3.4 (python, math)
PETSc for Python - Python bindings for PETSc
py32-petsc4py @3.4 (python, math)
PETSc for Python - Python bindings for PETSc
Found 4 ports.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42318>
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