[MacPorts] #40347: py26-pyphant: use python PortGroup, merge multiple ports into subports, upgrade to version 1.0b2
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jan 31 03:42:44 PST 2014
#40347: py26-pyphant: use python PortGroup, merge multiple ports into subports,
upgrade to version 1.0b2
Reporter: mojca@… | Owner: rowue@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: py26-pyphant |
Comment (by mojca@…):
Replying to [comment:7 alexander.held@…]:
> Replying to [comment:5 mojca@…]:
> > Do you happen to know why the new release (neither commits not the
tag) isn't also on GitHub? https://github.com/SGWissInfo/sogl
> I'm updating it right now on github, I just ran out of time yesterday.
Thanks for the information. I asked partially because the sources could
also be fetched from GitHub. But that's not necessary. It should be
whatever the author prefers.
> > Is the plan to switch to Python 2.7 exclusively once pyphant gets
updated or is there some solid reason to keep support for Python 2.6?
> >
> > I'm asking because you made a "weird" dependency on `wxPython` based
on the version of Python. This shouldn't be necessary, `wxPython` 3.0
should work with Python 2.6 just as well if necessary, I just wasn't aware
that any package would really benefit from it and I tried to avoid
supporting all the versions from Python 2.4 up.
> >
> > I would prefer not to add `py26-wxpython-3.0`, but I can do it if
there's a strong reason to do it.
> >
> We want to keep python2.6 support for pyphant,
I didn't want to ask whether you want to drop support for python 2.6. I
wanted to ask whether you have a reason to keep `py26-pyphant` working in
MacPorts in addition to the future `py27-pyphant`.
> The weird wxPython dependency comes from the fact that there was no
py26-wxpython-3.0 macports package.
And that was only because there was no reason to add it until now. (Or
rather: I wanted to avoid adding it just for the sake of having it there
unless there was some reasonable use for it.)
> I'm not so familiar with the macports community. Maybe python2.6 is not
used there anymore.
Ports that existed "forever" usually just added support for a newer Python
version when a new Python version has been released. For example, a random
port `py25-something` would simply add `py26-something` without deleting
`py25-something` when Python 2.6 came out. Same when Python 2.7 was
But there have been discussions about gradually removing all ports
depending on Python 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 (unless a port is incompatible with
2.7, but that sounds like something very outdated anyway), it's probably
just that nobody took the time to do that.
So my main question was basically whether there is some need for
`py26-pythant` in MacPorts or if `py27-pyphant` would do as well (once you
release the next version of `pyphant` of course).
Btw: for Pyphant we could test MacPorts packaging from any given commit on
GitHub. So you don't need to create a release just to test.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/40347#comment:8>
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