[MacPorts] #43584: gpg-agent: enable launchd integration (including LaunchAgent file)
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jul 7 18:14:25 PDT 2014
#43584: gpg-agent: enable launchd integration (including LaunchAgent file)
Reporter: ionic@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: gpg-agent |
Comment (by ionic@…):
Updated patchset.
I have disabled the creation of a UNIX socket in the user's home directory
and worked around the fact that one cannot control what the environment
variable set via `SecureSocketWithKey` in the `launchd plist` is actually
set to (as mentioned, dropping the PID and protocol version information.)
This is working for me, but there's a catch:
[[BR]]If users have programs starting up right after login, those programs
won't inherit the correct environment variable. In order to solve this,
one has to restart the application(s) in question.
I admit that this is very uncomfortable.
However, this solution also has a good side:
[[BR]]The SSH agent option is fail-safe. As `gpg-agent` is started after
`launchd` initialized all sockets (and environment variables it sets),
`SSH_AUTH_SOCK` will always be populated with some value, if another
`LaunchAgent` is providing SSH agent support (like for instance Apple's or
MacPorts's `ssh-agent`.) `gpg-agent` can query that and gracefully disable
SSH agent support, to not collide with the other daemon.
This said, I guess that nobody is using SSH agent support in gpg-agent
There is another, more intrusive way to do stuff.
I could restore the previous behavior (setting `GPG_AGENT_INFO` to "`/tmp
/launch-xxxxxx/Listeners`" only) and patch the other GPG ports, so that
they accept a "malformed" `GPG_AGENT_INFO` value with the PID and protocol
version stripped.
This may lead to a race condition when it comes to `SSH_AUTH_SOCK`. I
don't know what happens when two Agents define that in their plist files.
Probably one of them gets control over it, likely the first one to come.
I will thus disable SSH agent support completely.
In general, I think that an always available `GPG_AGENT_INFO` environment
variable without clumsy application restarts outweights the benefits of
SSH agent support (and, really, nobody uses this. Apple even ships ssh-
agent and it's turned on by default.)
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43584#comment:5>
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