[MacPorts] #44199: gnutls 3.3.5 org.macports.fetch for port gnutls returned: fetch failed
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jul 13 20:00:49 PDT 2014
#44199: gnutls 3.3.5 org.macports.fetch for port gnutls returned: fetch failed
Reporter: phoglund@… | Owner: mschamschula@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.1
Resolution: fixed | Keywords: haspatch
Port: gnutls |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* keywords: => haspatch
* status: new => closed
* resolution: => fixed
* cc: ryandesign@… (added)
Everyone: please use WikiFormatting and TracLinks when writing in Trac so
that your posts are legible and so that we don't have to edit your
formatting later.
mschamschula: there is no reason to increase the port's revision when just
changing the list of master sites. And remember to add the "haspatch"
keyword when you attach a patch.
phoglund: yes, you can fetch distfiles manually and place them where
MacPorts expect them. The process is documented in ProblemHotlist#fetch-
failures. Yes, you can install an older version of a port, documented in
wiki:howto/InstallingOlderPort. You shouldn't do this, however, because
other ports have already been built against the new version of gnutls; you
might get library version mismatches if you get some of those dependencies
via a binary package from our server. Binaries of the current version are
not available—not because of an infrastructure problem, but because of a
license conflict:
"gnutls" is not distributable because its license "gpl" conflicts with
license "OpenSSL" of dependency "openssl"
cal: old versions of gnutls are on the gnu mirrors, but current versions
are only hosted at the gnutls ftp server.
MacPorts' distfiles mirror servers ''should'' mirror files, but sometimes
this fails. In particular, Apple's network (which is where Mac OS Forge
lives and where MacPorts' servers are hosted) has restrictions on
accessing FTP servers over their normal ports. To circumvent this, the
MacPorts servers are configured to use a proxy server run by another
MacPorts committer on a different network, but during Mac OS Forge's
recent network reconfiguration this connection was interrupted for a time.
Separately, shortly after that, the proxy server was down for awhile.
Probably gnutls was updated to 3.3.5 during one of these outages so the
file did not get mirrored.
I've committed mschamschula's patch (minus the revision increase) in
r122069. This does not appear to have caused the servers to re-attempt
mirroring, perhaps because the ports had already been successfully built.
However this might let you fetch it now, and hopefully the files will get
mirrored eventually, the next time the gnutls port has its revision or
version increased; I may have a change I need to commit to it shortly
which would cause this.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44199#comment:17>
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