[MacPorts] #44347: Privoxy is launched to early
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 16 04:42:01 PDT 2014
#44347: Privoxy is launched to early
Reporter: lagrave+bugs+macosforge.org@… | Owner: macports-
Type: defect | tickets@…
Priority: Normal | Status: new
Component: ports | Milestone:
Keywords: | Version: 2.3.1
| Port: Privoxy
https://sourceforge.net/p/ijbswa/support-requests/1661/ is a bugreport
that apparantly should be reported here rather than to Privoxy.
"Privoxy fails to startup since it tries to launch before my machine has
an IP. Not sure if this is a bug or user error but maybe it should be in
the FAQ?
2014-07-08 08:42:26.960 00000110 Fatal error: can't bind to Can't assign requested address
This is Privoxy from MacPorts."
'Thanks for the report, but "Privoxy from MacPorts" likely is launched
with an OS-X-specific mechanism (launchd?), in which case the problem
should be reported to the MacPorts people. In general Privoxy shouldn't be
started before the addresses it's supposed to listen on (in your case are available.
Changing the listen-address to "" may be a workaround, but
whether it'll allows clients to reach Privoxy at addresses that weren't
available (yet) when Privoxy was started depends on the operating system
and you may want to use ACLs to control which clients are served by
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44347>
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