[MacPorts] #44382: [Port Abandoned] sumo
noreply at macports.org
Sat Jul 19 11:20:40 PDT 2014
#44382: [Port Abandoned] sumo
Reporter: tlockhart1976@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.1
Keywords: | Port: sumo
sumo has not been maintained (other than by myself) in over 9 months.
Neither maintainer has responded to MacPorts tickets or to direct email
Issue #44338 is waiting on adjudication for this. Several previous issues
including #44015 (a substantial improvement to update version and to
include python support) have been retired but with large time delays which
stalled further contributions (some details below).
From 2014-06-07 correspondence with pixilla for a previous submission:
Hi Bradley. Could we unstick the updates for SUMO in ticket 43544? I note
that Jens Fahnenbruck, listed as a maintainer, does not list SUMO as one
of his projects in his online profile, and has not responded to direct
emails or through the ticket.
Since I've been using SUMO recently I've been able to do a couple of
updates to the Portfile diff in the ticket, so there is some upside here,
#40834 (8 months old) retire in favor of 43140
#40960 (7 months old) retire as obsolete; 0.20.0 does not exhibit the
#41374 (7 months old) retire as obsolete, unless you want to bump a
Leopard-specific issue to 0.20.0 on speculation since we have no one to
test it
Neither current (or previous) maintainer has been responsive on these; let
me know what else I can do to get this unstuck. Thanks!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44382>
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