[MacPorts] #44167: cot 1.0.0
noreply at macports.org
Tue Jul 22 10:39:08 PDT 2014
#44167: cot 1.0.0
Reporter: glenn@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: cot |
Comment (by glenn@…):
Replying to [comment:4 mf2k@…]:
> I'm not understanding the use of the python portgroup here - or it is
being used incorrectly. Is this supposed to be a python module? The port
comes out as "cot" and not "py27-cot" and "py33-cot".
This is primarily an application - although it consists of a set of
modules which could conceivably be integrated into other applications as
well. So I think "cot" is correct, based on my reading of the docs:
If the port name does not start with “py-”, it is interpreted as an
application written in python rather than a python module. In this case,
no subports are defined...
That said this is the first time I've used the python portgroup, so if my
usage is incorrect, I apologize!
> If it is, then the categories are incorrect. It should be:
> {{{
> categories-append sysutils emulators
> }}}
> Because python should be first and is included with the python
OK, will fix this.
> Also the following line should be added beneath the {{{github.setup}}}
> {{{
> name py-cot
> }}}
As above - I don't think this is desirable.
> Also the line {{{ python.default_version 27}}} can be deleted since
that is the default.
Per the docs, this must be set for an application:
For apps (i.e. name does not start with “py-”), this chooses which
version of python to use, and must be set. It can be changed in variants
if desired.
> Finally, the dependencies must be placed inside of a {{{if {${name} ne
${subport}} {}}} block.
Since this is an app, it doesn't have subports, right?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44167#comment:5>
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