[MacPorts] #44493: Support wildcard on versions
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jul 31 01:50:34 PDT 2014
#44493: Support wildcard on versions
Reporter: ora.et.labora@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version: 2.3.1
Resolution: worksforme | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by ora.et.labora@…):
Replying to [comment:1 mf2k@…]:
> You have typed too many characters - including an "@". Wildcards are
supported. In your case you want:
> {{{
> port echo installed and gcc*
> }}}
No, I haven't typed to many characters. I repeat myself, it is for
'''consistency''' reasons. See, it is for example possible to install a
particular version of a port. Here I'm taking port "gcc" as an example, it
is however not "gcc" related. So, I can do this:
$ port install gcc at 4.5.4_8
Later on, I would like to remove all 4.5.4 versions hanging around, so my
target is to be able to express this like
$ port uninstall gcc at 4.5.4\*
I'm not familiar at the moment how you, the MacPorts community, name
something like "gcc at 4.5.4_8". Let's agree for the sake of discussion that
"gcc at 4.5.4_8" is the canonical port name, that "gcc" is the port's base-
name, that "4.5.4_8" is the version part and that "@" is the separator
terminal character.
The above "uninstall" command does not work as expected, cause the
wildcard is only supported on the base-name of the port name and *not*
supported on the version part.
__My request for enhancement is about to support wildcards on the complete
port name__.
> To uninstall all installed gcc ports type:
True, but you missed the point: it is not about uninstalling *all* ports
but very selectively uninstalling ports!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44493#comment:3>
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