[MacPorts] #44116: php-apache24handler subport
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jun 22 19:05:07 PDT 2014
#44116: php-apache24handler subport
Reporter: mschamschula@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.0
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: php |
Comment (by mschamschula@…):
Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
> I don't really intend to add a new ${php}-apache24handler subport;
rather, I intend for the work that has been done on the apache24-devel
port be moved back into the apache2 port eventually, at which point the
${php}-apache2handler port (and all other ports that use apache2) will
need to be updated for the new paths.
So do you propose to move apache24-devel so it violates the mtree as does
apache2? If not, apache2 needs to be installed into the same paths as
Otherwise, the current ${php}-apache2handler can only be installed for
apache2, and I'll have to keep building from my local Portfile, and wish
others running apache24-develgood luck, as I don't want to break the
subport for ${php}-apache2handler.
I don't want to have ${php}-apache2handler install apache2 when I try to
update ${php} (as has happened once), since I inadvertently overwrote my
locally modified Portfile. This creates quite a little mess.
> Why would it matter that mod_${php}.so doesn't have the executable bit?
It ''isn't'' an executable; it's a dynamic library; it ''shouldn't'' have
the executable bit.
I double checked, and sure enough it works without the chmod. However, do
a ls -l on the apache2/modules directory. You'll find mod_${php}.so is the
only one that does not have executable bits set. Maybe the apache24-devel
installer is doing something wrong…
> The way you've written the new documentation is not the way I envisioned
users solving that problem. Instead, they should edit their httpd.conf and
include the file mod_${php}.conf that the ${php}-apache2handler port
installs. This information should be added to the notes; it has been
requested many times before. If the mod_${php}.conf file doesn't contain
all the necessary directives, they should be added.
I am aware that the documentation is not ideal. It was the best I could do
after spending the better part of the day trying to find a way to get
${php}-apache2(4)handler installed on my machine. I just wanted to make
others aware of the issues I ran into.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44116#comment:2>
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