[MacPorts] #44127: Update Bacula to Version 7.0.4
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jun 26 07:05:30 PDT 2014
#44127: Update Bacula to Version 7.0.4
Reporter: robertoschwald@… | Owner: mf2k@…
Type: update | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch maintainer
Port: bacula |
Comment (by robertoschwald@…):
Got the mysql55 server variant running here, too.
Problem is the configure script mysql detection routine, which fits Unix /
Linux systems but not OSX.
Attached you find the following patches:
* patch-configure-mysql.diff:
- A complete new version of the files/patch-configure-mysql.diff file
which corrected a minor problem in setting the MYSQL_INCDIR, MYSQL_BINDIR,
AND MYSQL_LIBDIR variables (they are especially needed to link src/cats/
libraries against the mysql library)
* patch-configure-mysql.diff.patch:
- This is a patch to the existing files/patch-configure-mysql.diff.patch
file (I don't know what you prefer - a new patch file or a patch for the
existing file, therefore I provide both)
* Portfile-7.0.4_2014-06-26.diff:
- A new diff file for the Portfile with the following changes:
- bumped version to 7.0.4 (with correct checksums)
- dropped readline, as it is obsolete and use conio instead
- removed obsolete configure switches --without-sqlite, --disable-
gnome, --disable-wx-console and --disable-tray-monitor
- removed obsolete variant "sqlite2"
- added variant "mysql51" (as not everyone is using MySQL 5.5 and MySQL
5.1 is supported by bacula)
Comments are highly appreciated.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44127#comment:9>
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