[MacPorts] #42673: kde4-baseapps build failure on OS X 10.6.8
noreply at macports.org
Sat Mar 8 19:54:45 PST 2014
#42673: kde4-baseapps build failure on OS X 10.6.8
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: nicos@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: kde4-baseapps |
Comment (by nicos@…):
I am not able to reproduce these errors, but I am not on 10.6, and the
10.6 buildbot still uses gcc-4.2, and not clang.
One thing I noticed from your logs is that the objects list is rather
different from my system. For the dolphin executable, your configuration
uses three objects to link: dolphin_dummy.o, dolphin_automoc.o, and
terminalpanel.o. In my case (10.9.2, Clang 5.0) only dophin_dummy.o is
used, while the two others are linked for libkdeinit4_dolphin.dylib.
Then, the error with konqmisc.o is due to the fact that it is manually
added in the Portfile:
pre-build {
# Add missing object files manually. Issue similar to ticket #37574.
#(Should be in libkdeinit4_konqueror, but do not link)
reinplace "s|-o|CMakeFiles/kdeinit_konqueror.dir/konqmisc.o -o|g" \
as this object was missing at linking time according to my tests. This
means that in your configuration, you have other objects missing, but the
one I identified as missing according to my tests is present.
The first solution would be to suppress the lines above in your
kde4-baseapps portfile, try to rebuild, link manually dolphin, and the
error with konqmisc should not be present, as it would not be added
manually, but this starts to be quite cumbersome.
Another solution would be to try to build kde4-baseapps with gcc-4.2, as
this one is confirmed to work on the buildbot:
sudo port install kde4-baseapps configure.compiler=gcc-4.2
to use the same compiler as the buildbot. If this works, this would mean
that I may have to blacklist older versions of clang with this port.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42673#comment:2>
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