[MacPorts] #43071: distcc updates
noreply at macports.org
Tue Mar 25 14:02:54 PDT 2014
#43071: distcc updates
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: distcc |
Comment (by egall@…):
It seems like there is duplicated stuff between the `+gtk` and `+gnome`
variants; `port -v lint --nitpick` confirms:
port -v lint --nitpick distcc +gnome+gtk+zeroconf
---> Verifying Portfile for distcc
OK: Line 1 has emacs/vim Mode
OK: Line 2 has RCS tag ($Id$)
OK: Found PortSystem 1.0
OK: Found required variable: name
OK: Found required variable: version
OK: Found required variable: description
OK: Found required variable: long_description
OK: Found required variable: categories
OK: Found required variable: maintainers
OK: Found required variable: platforms
OK: Found required variable: homepage
OK: Found required variable: master_sites
OK: Found required variable: checksums
OK: Found required variable: license
OK: Found optional variable: epoch
OK: Found optional variable: revision
OK: Found platform: darwin
OK: Found primary category: devel
OK: Found variant zeroconf: use Avahi to advertise distcc via ZeroConf
OK: Found variant gtk: Build GTK interface to distccmon
OK: Found variant gnome: Build GNOME interface to distccmon
OK: Found variant universal: (pre-defined variant)
OK: Found dependency: popt
OK: Found dependency: avahi
OK: Found dependency: gtk2
OK: Found dependency: libglade2
OK: Found dependency: gtk2
OK: Found dependency: libglade2
OK: Found dependency: libgnome
OK: Found dependency: libgnomeui
OK: Found dependency: pango
OK: Found dependency: pkgconfig
Warning: Dependency port:gtk2 specified multiple times in depends_lib
Warning: Dependency port:libglade2 specified multiple times in depends_lib
OK: Portfile parent directory matches primary category
OK: Portfile directory matches port name
---> 0 errors and 2 warnings found.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43071#comment:5>
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