[MacPorts] #37331: qt5-mac
noreply at macports.org
Mon Mar 31 05:59:58 PDT 2014
#37331: qt5-mac
Reporter: eric.c.brown@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: request | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: qt5 |
Comment (by christian.frisson@…):
I attached a Portfile to be located in {{{aqua/qt5}}} and a script and a
config file to be put in the 'files' subdir.
I'm not sure it fits the MacPorts standards, but it works: rather than
compiling everything, it downloads the 5.2.1 dmg from the official
distribution, mounts it and extracts the 7z files, destroots it following
to the qt4-mac file tree (with qt5 replacing qt4 whenever needed), mods
the pkgconfig and cmake files accordingly to the adapted paths. It is way
faster: once the dmg is downloaded, it takes approx 3 minutes to install.
Tested on a macbook pro retina late 2013 15" with OSX 10.9.2.
I could compile modified OpenSceneGraph-devel and opencv Portfiles against
it (these use CMake), using a qt5 variant.
I initially made a symlink by hand to make sure mkspecs files can be found
by default. I'm not familiar with this, since I use CMake instead of
qmake. I couldn't manage that through the qt.conf file, QMAKE_MKSPECS
doesn't seem to be settable that way with Qt5 anymore, it seems it is now
hardcoded, 'mkspecs' appended to the main qt dir, can't get to find the
bug report where I read that. I'm not sure the following code actually
works as a replacement:
post-activate {
system "ln -s ${prefix}/share/qt5/mkspecs ${prefix}/mkspecs"
Best regards,
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/37331#comment:50>
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