[MacPorts] #47358: svndumptool @0.6.1_3: update to 0.8.0
noreply at macports.org
Sun Apr 5 18:22:29 PDT 2015
#47358: svndumptool @0.6.1_3: update to 0.8.0
Reporter: info@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: svndumptool |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* version: 2.3.3 =>
The description at that github repository says it is a "Git mirror of
SvnDumpTool http://svn.borg.ch/svndumptool/".
But that original homepage URL still says 0.6.1 is the latest version.
The github mirror does not have any tags or releases.
I am inquiring with the developer of svndumptool as to the situation with
this github mirror.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47358#comment:2>
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