[MacPorts] #49919: gr-osmosdr is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3 times. (was: Issue building gr-osmosdr)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 6 12:10:59 PST 2015

#49919: gr-osmosdr is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3 times.
  Reporter:  ton@…       |      Owner:  michaelld@…
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.3.4
Resolution:              |   Keywords:
      Port:  gr-osmosdr  |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

 * cc: michaelld@… (removed)
 * owner:  macports-tickets@… => michaelld@…

Old description:

> I am trying to install gr-osmosdr using MacPorts but i run into broken
> file errors.
> I have removed all the leaves and unused from my system to have it as
> clean as possible. I have forced to clean any old gr-osmosdr as well. But
> still when i "sudo port install gr-osmocom" i run into broken file
> errors.
> Any ideas? This is OSX 10.10.5, MacPorts 2.3.4 ports tree updated today.
> Here is the console log so far:
> {{{
> TM-MBP:~ Ton$ sudo port install gr-osmosdr
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Dependencies to be installed: airspy libusb bladeRF tecla cmake
> curl libarchive doxygen gnuradio boost cppunit graphviz gd2 xpm xorg-
> libXt xorg-libsm xorg-libice gts libnetpbm libLASi urw-fonts xorg-libXaw
> xorg-libXmu gsl jack libsamplerate libsndfile flac libogg libvorbis
> libsdl log4cpp pkgconfig py27-cheetah py27-lxml py27-numpy libgcc cctools
> llvm-3.7 llvm_select isl ld64 ld64-latest libmpc mpfr py27-cython
> cython_select py27-nose nosetests_select py27-opengl py27-Pillow lcms2
> openjpeg jbigkit py27-tkinter tk tcl xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-
> scrnsaverproto py27-opengl-accelerate py27-pygtk libglade2 py27-cairo
> py27-gobject py27-pyqt4 dbus-python27 dbus-glib py27-sip py27-pyqwt qwt52
> py27-scipy swig-python swig py27-sphinx py27-alabaster py27-babel py27-tz
> py27-docutils py27-roman py27-jinja2 py27-pygments py27-six
> py27-snowballstemmer py27-sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx_select
> py27-wxpython-3.0 wxPython-3.0 qwtplot3d uhd gzip py27-requests volk orc
> xmlto coreutils docbook-xml docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2 xmlcatmgr
> docbook-xml-4.3 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0 docbook-
> xsl findutils fop getopt libpaper gr-fcdproplus hackrf rtl-sdr
> --->  Fetching archive for libusb
> --->  Attempting to fetch libusb-1.0.20_0.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2 from
> http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/libusb
> --->  Attempting to fetch libusb-1.0.20_0.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160
> from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/libusb
> --->  Installing libusb @1.0.20_0
> --->  Activating libusb @1.0.20_0
> --->  Cleaning libusb
> }}}
> <building lots of stuff>
> {{{
> --->  Fetching archive for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
> 20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2
> from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/gr-osmosdr
> --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
> 20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2
> from http://mse.uk.packages.macports.org/sites/packages.macports.org/gr-
> osmosdr
> --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
> 20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2
> from http://nue.de.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/gr-osmosdr
> --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
> --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
> --->  Building gr-osmosdr
> --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
> --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Updating database of binaries
> --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
> --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
> --->  Rebuilding in order
>      gr-osmosdr @20150716
> +airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
> --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
> --->  Rebuilding in order
>      gr-osmosdr @20150716
> +airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
> --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
> --->  Building gr-osmosdr
> --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
> --->  Deactivating gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Uninstalling gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Updating database of binaries
> --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
> --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
> --->  Rebuilding in order
>      gr-osmosdr @20150716
> +airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
> --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
> --->  Building gr-osmosdr
> --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
> --->  Deactivating gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Uninstalling gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
> --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
> @20150716_3+airspy+bladeRF+docs+fcdproplus+hackrf+rtlsdr+swig+uhd
> --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
> --->  Updating database of binaries
> --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
> --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
> Error: Port gr-osmosdr is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3
> times.
> Error: Please run port -d -y rev-upgrade and use the output to report a
> bug.
> Port gr-osmosdr still broken after rebuilding 3 time(s)
>     while executing
> "error "Port $portname still broken after rebuilding [expr
> {$broken_port_counts($portname) - 1}] time(s)""
>     (procedure "revupgrade_scanandrebuild" line 280)
>     invoked from within
> "revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts $opts"
>     (procedure "macports::revupgrade" line 5)
>     invoked from within
> "macports::revupgrade $opts"
>     (procedure "action_revupgrade" line 2)
>     invoked from within
> "action_revupgrade $action $portlist $opts"
>     (procedure "action_target" line 96)
>     invoked from within
> "$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
>     (procedure "process_cmd" line 103)
>     invoked from within
> "process_cmd $remaining_args"
>     invoked from within
> "if { [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } {

>     # If there are remaining arguments, process those as a command
>     set exit_status [process_cmd $remaining..."
>     (file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 5268)
> TM-MBP:~ Ton$
> }}}

New description:

 I am trying to install gr-osmosdr using MacPorts but i run into broken
 file errors.
 I have removed all the leaves and unused from my system to have it as
 clean as possible. I have forced to clean any old gr-osmosdr as well. But
 still when i "sudo port install gr-osmocom" i run into broken file errors.

 Any ideas? This is OSX 10.10.5, MacPorts 2.3.4 ports tree updated today.

 Here is the console log so far:

 TM-MBP:~ Ton$ sudo port install gr-osmosdr
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Dependencies to be installed: airspy libusb bladeRF tecla cmake curl
 libarchive doxygen gnuradio boost cppunit graphviz gd2 xpm xorg-libXt
 xorg-libsm xorg-libice gts libnetpbm libLASi urw-fonts xorg-libXaw xorg-
 libXmu gsl jack libsamplerate libsndfile flac libogg libvorbis libsdl
 log4cpp pkgconfig py27-cheetah py27-lxml py27-numpy libgcc cctools
 llvm-3.7 llvm_select isl ld64 ld64-latest libmpc mpfr py27-cython
 cython_select py27-nose nosetests_select py27-opengl py27-Pillow lcms2
 openjpeg jbigkit py27-tkinter tk tcl xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-
 scrnsaverproto py27-opengl-accelerate py27-pygtk libglade2 py27-cairo
 py27-gobject py27-pyqt4 dbus-python27 dbus-glib py27-sip py27-pyqwt qwt52
 py27-scipy swig-python swig py27-sphinx py27-alabaster py27-babel py27-tz
 py27-docutils py27-roman py27-jinja2 py27-pygments py27-six
 py27-snowballstemmer py27-sphinx_rtd_theme sphinx_select py27-wxpython-3.0
 wxPython-3.0 qwtplot3d uhd gzip py27-requests volk orc xmlto coreutils
 docbook-xml docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2 xmlcatmgr docbook-xml-4.3
 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0 docbook-xsl findutils fop
 getopt libpaper gr-fcdproplus hackrf rtl-sdr
 --->  Fetching archive for libusb
 --->  Attempting to fetch libusb-1.0.20_0.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2 from
 --->  Attempting to fetch libusb-1.0.20_0.darwin_14.x86_64.tbz2.rmd160
 from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/libusb
 --->  Installing libusb @1.0.20_0
 --->  Activating libusb @1.0.20_0
 --->  Cleaning libusb

 <building lots of stuff>

 --->  Fetching archive for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
 from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/gr-osmosdr
 --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
 from http://mse.uk.packages.macports.org/sites/packages.macports.org/gr-
 --->  Attempting to fetch gr-osmosdr-
 from http://nue.de.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/gr-osmosdr
 --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
 --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
 --->  Building gr-osmosdr
 --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
 --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
 --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Updating database of binaries
 --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
 --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
 --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
 --->  Rebuilding in order
      gr-osmosdr @20150716
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
 --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
 --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
 --->  Rebuilding in order
      gr-osmosdr @20150716
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
 --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
 --->  Building gr-osmosdr
 --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
 --->  Deactivating gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Uninstalling gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
 --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Updating database of binaries
 --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
 --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
 --->  Found 1 broken port(s), determining rebuild order
 --->  Rebuilding in order
      gr-osmosdr @20150716
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Fetching distfiles for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Verifying checksums for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Extracting gr-osmosdr
 --->  Configuring gr-osmosdr
 --->  Building gr-osmosdr
 --->  Staging gr-osmosdr into destroot
 --->  Deactivating gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Uninstalling gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Computing dependencies for gr-osmosdr
 --->  Installing gr-osmosdr
 --->  Activating gr-osmosdr
 --->  Cleaning gr-osmosdr
 --->  Updating database of binaries
 --->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
 --->  Found 2 broken file(s), matching files to ports
 Error: Port gr-osmosdr is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3
 Error: Please run port -d -y rev-upgrade and use the output to report a
 Port gr-osmosdr still broken after rebuilding 3 time(s)
     while executing
 "error "Port $portname still broken after rebuilding [expr
 {$broken_port_counts($portname) - 1}] time(s)""
     (procedure "revupgrade_scanandrebuild" line 280)
     invoked from within
 "revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts $opts"
     (procedure "macports::revupgrade" line 5)
     invoked from within
 "macports::revupgrade $opts"
     (procedure "action_revupgrade" line 2)
     invoked from within
 "action_revupgrade $action $portlist $opts"
     (procedure "action_target" line 96)
     invoked from within
 "$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
     (procedure "process_cmd" line 103)
     invoked from within
 "process_cmd $remaining_args"
     invoked from within
 "if { [llength $remaining_args] > 0 } {

     # If there are remaining arguments, process those as a command
     set exit_status [process_cmd $remaining..."
     (file "/opt/local/bin/port" line 5268)
 TM-MBP:~ Ton$



 You should probably do what it says:

 Error: Port gr-osmosdr is still broken after rebuilding it more than 3
 Error: Please run port -d -y rev-upgrade and use the output to report a

 using, of course, "sudo" as usual if you're not already root.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49919#comment:1>
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Ports system for OS X

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