[MacPorts] #42082: [pandoc]: configure step fails with "missing dependencies..."
noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 13 11:36:58 PST 2015
#42082: [pandoc]: configure step fails with "missing dependencies..."
Reporter: kurt.pfeifle@… | Owner: cal@…
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.2.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: pandoc |
Comment (by mk@…):
I followed the above workaround procedure, but installing pandoc still
fails on Mavericks due to a failing port 'hs-sha' caused by
:info:build /opt/local/bin/ghc --make -fbuilding-cabal-package -O -static
-dynamic-too -dynosuf dyn_o -dynhisuf dyn_hi -outputdir dist/build -odir
dist/build -hidir dist/build -stubdir dist/build -i -idist/build -isrc
-idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build -optP-
-optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -package-name SHA- -hide-
all-packages -no-user-package-db -package-db dist/package.conf.inplace
-package-id array- -package-id
base- -package-id
binary- -package-id
bytestring- -XHaskell98 -XCPP
-XBangPatterns Data.Digest.Pure.SHA -Wall -fno-ignore-asserts -fno-warn-
orphans -funbox-strict-fields -fwarn-tabs
:info:build <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id
:info:build (use -v for more information)
:info:build Command failed: cd
.org_release_tarballs_ports_devel_hs-sha/hs-sha/work/SHA-" &&
runhaskell Setup build -v
:info:build Exit code: 1
:error:build org.macports.build for port hs-sha returned: command
execution failed
:debug:build Error code: CHILDSTATUS 32612 1
:debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed
Looks like hs-binary is a missing dependency here!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/42082#comment:27>
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