[MacPorts] #47896: submission: cpuid
noreply at macports.org
Tue Jun 2 06:13:18 PDT 2015
#47896: submission: cpuid
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: cpuid |
Comment (by rjvbertin@…):
Replying to [comment:3 ionic@…]:
> the input is meant as a way of learning how "stuff is done", not to
annoy anyone.
It may be just me, but I often find the tone of that input often bordering
insult ... and to be really educational one would not let the pupil ask
"how it's done" after being told "that's not how it's done" ;)
> If you had googled the first sentence ("Permission to use, copy [...]")
you would have directly landed here:
The thought did occur to me, but that language is so common that I was
sure to get hits from lots of comparable but not identical licenses.
> There's at least one `\n` that shouldn't be there. We normally don't
expect empty lines in `long_description` or `description`.
That's a \n, not a \n\n, so causes only a newline, not an empty line. I
like to respect the formatting the author applied, as far as possible.
> True, but the github `PortGroup` sets a few defaults which are meant to
be overridden later. That's why it's preferred to be "included" early.
I'd have noticed if it had overridden any of my settings, or if something
hadn't worked O:-)
> Err, yes, `NO_GNU_GETOPT` shouldn't be set. Have you tested building
this in trace mode?
I don't think I have trace mode in my version of base, but I shouldn't
have to. No attempt is made to link to libraries from MacPorts.
Note that OS X only ships BSD getopt and while that may even compile,
there's no saying it behaves correctly at run time.
You think I didn't test the application before submitting the portfile? Of
course it works. The code doesn't check for NO_GNU_GETOPT; the shipped
version *is* BSD getopt which can apparently be used without build-time
changes to the code. I don't think there's any point in forcing a link to
One of the applications of this utility that I see is including it with an
installer (or other software) to check for CPU capabilities. Not depending
on additional is an advantage in that kind of application.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47896#comment:4>
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