[MacPorts] #47984: rubyforge no longer exists
noreply at macports.org
Sat Jun 6 21:13:25 PDT 2015
#47984: rubyforge no longer exists
Reporter: | Owner: macports-tickets@…
ryandesign@… | Status: new
Type: defect | Milestone:
Priority: Normal | Version: 2.3.3
Component: ports | Port: enscript freeride korundum qtruby
Keywords: | rb-actionmailer rb-actionpack rb-
| actionwebservice rb-activeldap rb-activerecord
| rb-activeresource rb-activesupport rb-
| acts_as_taggable rb-archive-tar-minitar rb-bee
| rb-bluecloth rb-bones rb-builder rb-capistrano
| rb-captcha rb-cgi_multipart_eof_fix rb-cheat
| rb-cmdparse rb-configuration rb-crypt-isaac rb-
| csbattery rb-cstemplate rb-cucumber rb-daemons
| rb-dbi rb-diff-lcs rb-dnssd rb-easyjour rb-
| echoe rb-fastthread rb-fcgi rb-flexmock rb-
| flickr rb-fxruby rb-gd2 rb-gem_plugin rb-
| getopt-declare rb-gpgme rb-heroku rb-highline
| rb-hikidoc rb-hoe rb-hpricot rb-htaccess rb-
| image_science rb-innate rb-iterator rb-jabber4r
| rb-kansas rb-kramdown rb-lafcadio rb-launchy
| rb-lazylist rb-libxml2 rb-lockfile rb-mechanize
| rb-mime-types rb-minitest rb-mocha rb-mofo rb-
| mongrel rb-mongrel_cluster rb-mp3taglib rb-
| narray rb-net-scp rb-net-sftp rb-net-ssh rb-
| net-ssh-gateway rb-net-yail rb-netaddr rb-
| nitpick rb-og rb-parsetree rb-piston rb-pkg-
| config rb-plruby rb-polyglot rb-purple rb-rack
| rb-rails rb-rake rb-ramaze rb-rcov rb-redcloth
| rb-regexp rb-rest-client rb-rflickr rb-rgl rb-
| rio rb-ripper rb-rmagick rb-rmail rb-roauth rb-
| rspec rb-rspec-rails rb-ruby-debug rb-ruby-
| debug-base rb-ruby-openid rb-rubyforge rb-
| rubyinline rb-rubyosa rb-rubytoc rb-runt rb-sds
| rb-slave rb-snmp rb-sprockets rb-sqlite rb-
| sqlite3 rb-stomp rb-stream rb-technorati-ruby
| rb-term-ansicolor rb-test-spec rb-text-format
| rb-treetop rb-trollop rb-twitter rb-uuidtools
| rb-webgen rb-xml-simple rb-xslt rb-zentest rb19
| -archive-tar-minitar rb19-chronic rb19-daemons
| rb19-diff-lcs rb19-hoe rb19-httparty
| rb19-launchy rb19-mechanize rb19-metric_fu rb19
| -mime-types rb19-mocha rb19-parser
| rb19-parsetree rb19-pkg-config rb19-polyglot
| rb19-roodi rb19-rr rb19-ruby2ruby rb19-rufus-
| mnemo rb19-saikuro rb19-sequel
| rb19-sexp_processor rb19-treetop rb19-trollop
| rb19-xml-simple rb19-yahoo_weatherman sup
| xmlresume2x
It appears that the [http://rubyforge.org/ rubyforge] service no longer
Here is the [http://www.infoq.com/news/2009/10/rubyforge-phased-out-
rubygemsorg message from October 2009] saying rubyforge was going to be
phased out.
All references to rubyforge in MacPorts should be examined and replaced as
This affects the ruby 1.0 portgroup, and the indicated ports.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47984>
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