[MacPorts] #48127: npm 2.11.2 fails user prefix build

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Jun 20 21:50:55 PDT 2015

#48127: npm 2.11.2 fails user prefix build
 Reporter:  mtb19@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
     Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal   |  Milestone:
Component:  ports    |    Version:  2.3.3
 Keywords:           |       Port:  npm
 From `main.log` (complete file attached):

 :info:destroot > node bin/npm-cli.js prune --prefix=. --no-global &&
 rimraf test/*/*/node_modules && make -j4 doc
 :info:destroot sh: rimraf: command not found
 :info:destroot npm ERR! addLocalDirectory Could not pack
 _devel_npm/npm/work/package to
 :info:destroot npm ERR! addLocal Could not install
 :info:destroot npm ERR! Darwin 13.4.0
 :info:destroot npm ERR! argv "[[PREFIX]]/bin/node"
 l_npm/npm/work/package/cli.js" "install" "--global" "." "--
 :info:destroot npm ERR! node v0.12.4
 :info:destroot npm ERR! npm  v2.11.2
 :info:destroot npm ERR! file sh
 :info:destroot npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
 :info:destroot npm ERR! errno ENOENT
 :info:destroot npm ERR! syscall spawn
 :info:destroot npm ERR! npm at 2.11.2 prepublish: `node bin/npm-cli.js prune
 --prefix=. --no-global && rimraf test/*/*/node_modules && make -j4 doc`
 :info:destroot npm ERR! spawn ENOENT
 :info:destroot npm ERR!
 :info:destroot npm ERR! Failed at the npm at 2.11.2 prepublish script 'node
 bin/npm-cli.js prune --prefix=. --no-global && rimraf
 test/*/*/node_modules && make -j4 doc'.
 :info:destroot npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the npm
 :info:destroot npm ERR! not with npm itself.
 :info:destroot npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
 :info:destroot npm ERR!     node bin/npm-cli.js prune --prefix=. --no-
 global && rimraf test/*/*/node_modules && make -j4 doc
 :info:destroot npm ERR! You can get their info via:
 :info:destroot npm ERR!     npm owner ls npm
 :info:destroot npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
 :info:destroot npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support
 :info:destroot npm ERR!
 :info:destroot Command failed:  cd
 && [[PREFIX]]/bin/node ./cli.js install --global .
 :info:destroot Exit code: 1
 :error:destroot org.macports.destroot for port npm returned: command
 execution failed
 :debug:destroot Error code: CHILDSTATUS 28393 1
 :debug:destroot Backtrace: command execution failed
     while executing
 "system -nice 0 $fullcmdstring"
     ("eval" body line 1)
     invoked from within
 "eval system $notty $nice \$fullcmdstring"
     invoked from within
 "command_exec destroot"
     (procedure "portdestroot::destroot_main" line 2)
     invoked from within
 "portdestroot::destroot_main org.macports.destroot"
     ("eval" body line 1)
     invoked from within
 "eval $procedure $targetname"
 :info:destroot Warning: targets not executed for npm:
 org.macports.activate org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
 :notice:destroot Please see the log file for port npm for details:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/48127>
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