[MacPorts] #47047: new (meta)port submission: qt5-mac-mysql-plugins
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Thu Mar 5 08:50:04 PST 2015
#47047: new (meta)port submission: qt5-mac-mysql-plugins
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: haspatch | Port: qt5-mac-mysql-plugins
Attached a portfile for a new metaport, qt5-mac-mysql-plugins, which
provides the mutually conflicting subports for Qt 5.
This is an adapted copy of qt4-mac-mysql55-plugin which also provides the
other mysql plugin variants, for Qt 4 . Contrary to that portfile, I've
opted *not* to use one of the variants as the main port, but rather a stub
main (meta) port, an approach I find a bit cleaner.
I'm also trying a new (for me) way of defining the port version. Since it
depends on the installed (and even the active) Qt port, I obtain the
active version through the qmake executable that's an inevitable part of
every Qt install.
This should remove the need to bump the port version every time Qt is
updated, and should even allow users to reinstall (using e.g. `port -n
upgrade --force`) the installed subport after activating a different Qt 5
version (regardless of whether that's qt5-mac or qt5-mac-devel).
I hope I haven't overlooked potential issues with this approach.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47047>
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