[MacPorts] #47612: couchdb at 1.6.1 missing erlang (erl_driver.h) as dependency?
noreply at macports.org
Tue May 5 11:53:47 PDT 2015
#47612: couchdb at 1.6.1 missing erlang (erl_driver.h) as dependency?
Reporter: mtb19@… | Owner: jeff@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: couchdb |
Comment (by ciserlohn@…):
Replying to [comment:1 mtb19@…]:
> This might be a bug against `erlang` in a user-install situation, I'm
not sure:
> {{{
> % find [user_install_dir] -name erl_driver.h
> /Users/xyz/.site/lib/erlang/erts-6.4/include/erl_driver.h
> /Users/xyz/.site/lib/erlang/usr/include/erl_driver.h
> }}}
> ''UPDATE: sister issue filed against Erlang (see #47613).''
Could you please attach the full {{{config.log}}}?
Using a standard MacPorts installation {{{erl_driver.h}}} is looked up in
configure:18637: checking erl_driver.h presence
configure:18637: /usr/bin/clang++ -E
-I${exec_prefix}/lib/erlang/usr/include -I/usr/lib/erlang/usr/include
-I/usr/local/lib/erlang/usr/include -I/opt/local/lib/erlang/usr/include
-I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/include conftest.cpp
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47612#comment:4>
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